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How to make a repost?

Having found interesting material in one of thesocial networks, I want to share a link to it, or, in modern terms, repost. Repost in translation from English means the repeated publication of any information within the same resource. Thanks to reposts, you can share with friends all your favorite photo, news, article, music track, picture and other publications. Many people are interested in how to make a repost in a particular social network or application?

Repost in Instagram

Instagram is a convenient application for publishingphotos and video materials. The standard interface does not provide the ability to make reposts. Several applications have been created, with which you can place other people's materials in Instagram. The most convenient of them is called InstaRepost. How to make a repost thanks to him?

  • First of all, download the application to a suitable device, this will help services Google Play or iTunes.
  • Start InstaRepost.
  • Click the LOGIN WITH INSTAGRAM button in the corner of the screen.
  • Register in Instagram, i.e. enter your account information.
  • After the done operations, you will be taken to the main application screen. Click on the person's figure to find the photo you want to repost.
  • Select the "My feed" option to search by tags or users.
  • As you can see, the REPOST button is located next to each post. Click it.
  • If desired, you can visualize the repost, but this is available only to those who bought the application.
  • Pressing the REPOST button will send you to the standard Instagram interface, where you can add an image as an ordinary photo. And now the repost is in your tape.

Repost on Facebook

In one of the largest social networks, repostsvery popular. Looking through the news feed, users are in a hurry to share interesting and useful information with their friends. Also, you can make reposts of publications that others have already shared. What you need to do to get the record on your page or in your group:

  1. After selecting the desired post, click the "Share" button, located next to the "Like" and "Comment" buttons. Now we need to understand the functions:
    • Select from the menu with whom you would like to shareinformation. You can re-write the entry on your personal page, add it to your friends' stream, place it on your managed page or publish it on a group wall
    • If you want, complete the entry with your comments.
    • Address the post to certain people, your friends or make it public so that it can be seen by everyone.
  2. It remains to click the "Share" button, and the post will be posted where you wish.

Repost in Classmates

Open your favorite photo or record, and to the right of it you will see that you can

get a link to it, rate it by putting"Class", leave a comment and, of course, share. Click on "Share" and the photo or record will be in your stream. You can add a description and / or comment to it.

Repost VKontakte

In the largest European social network, reposts are easy to do:

  • At the bottom of each Vkontakte post there are two buttons: "I like" and "Share". Click Share.
  • In the opened window, entitled "Sendingyou can add a comment and select the desired audience, i.e. to whom you address the message (to friends and subscribers, to community members, to a certain person). Done!
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