Today it is difficult to find a person who does notregistered in any social network. Especially popular is the social network VKontakte. Russian-speaking users are actively creating their own pages, grouped in communities of interest, to keep abreast of events, share information, promote themselves or their business. Learn how to create your own group, you can from the article What group to create Vkontakte.

If membership in the group is disappointing, you caneasy to retire. How to do this is described in step-by-step article How to delete a group in a contact. Delete all the groups you belong to in one click. To do this, you have to go out one by one from each group. For more information, see How to delete all Vkontakte groups

And what if you need to remove your owngroup? A special button for this in the social network VC is not provided. However, this does not mean that the question of how to delete the created group will remain unanswered.

Before you delete the created group,have a little trick. Moreover, the more the group was, the more time the process will take. First, you need to go to the community that you want to delete, and enter the "Manage Community" tab.

Information tab

Clicking on the button "Community Management", yougo to the "Information" tab. Here you have to change the name of the group to any other, the more absurd the better. You can write "Please remove the group". Administrators will sooner or later pay attention to this name and remove public. Next, you should delete the description of the group, the topic, the link to the site and disable all options that you can turn off-wall, video, audio recordings, documents, etc. The group type is defined as closed. Thus, you will reduce the possibility of penetration into the group of new participants to zero. You must save the new settings.

The Participants tab

In this tab you need to delete allparticipants, by clicking on the "Remove from community" button for each of them. As a result, you should get a group in which only you are an administrator.

The "Black list" and "Links" tab

For the order, the information from the "Black list" and "Links" tabs is also better to delete.

The final stage

Return to the empty group and move away from it. Article How to retire from the group will remind you how to do it, if you forgot.

Now you know how to delete your own group of Vk. We hope that our advice has helped you solve the problem.

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