One of the fastest and most convenient waysdownloading movies, music and similar content from the Internet is downloading using torrents. But some users, in addition to downloading, also want to upload material to the torrent sites. After all, the status of an aploader - a person who shares with other users files that are not yet on the tracker - is very respectable on most resources. And then the question arises: how to make your torrent and what is needed for this?

Creating a torrent in μTorrent

A good tool for creating a torrent fileprovides the μTorrent client. In the top part of the program window there is a button "Create a new torrent", when clicked, the menu of parameters of the created torrent file is displayed. First of all, you need to specify the source - the file or the whole folder, which will be distributed by the torrent. If the distribution is multi-file, that is, a whole folder is laid out, then you can list unnecessary files in the "Exclude" field, using the "|" sign as a separator.

In the "Trackers" and "Web Sides" fields for the majoritytorrent sites do not need to enter anything, their values ​​are filled by the tracker itself when registering the torrent. The "Part size" switch is best left in the "auto detect" position. For versions of the client 2.0 and higher, it is recommended to check the "Save order of files" check-box, but do not put the remaining two check marks to create distribution on most torrent files. With the "Start distribution" flag set, the torrent will start before it is registered on the tracker, which is often unacceptable. A tick "Private torrent" does not let the tracker handle your distribution at all.

After making all the settings, you must press"Create and save to ..." button. A confirmation window will appear, click "Yes" in it. For some time, the program will generate a torrent file, writing file names and hash values ​​from its contents into it. This data allows to ensure that the file in the distribution is the one that is needed, and not the renamed computer virus.

Further actions are already directly dependent ontorrent site, which will be uploaded. On any sufficiently popular tracker there is an instruction how to create a torrent on this site. It is necessary to describe the contents of the distribution; often you need to attach a picture, for example, the cover of the disc. Then usually you just need to download the torrent file to the site, then download the new one, generated by the tracker, and run it on your computer. The Torrent will be created, and you will become the first dealer.

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