The word "kawai" has already become familiar to young people,it comes from Japan. People who use this word, heard it in Japanese anime, cartoons or films. In fact, "kawai" is a whole culture in Japan, which is gaining momentum already and with us. What does "kawai" mean, few can explain, but use it often and extensively at any convenient opportunity. First and foremost, kawai is a word that gives a subjective and positive evaluation of the subject. That is, "kavai" is cute, charming, beautiful, nice, pleasant, etc. Also this word can acquire the meaning "small". Often it is used in Japan to describe adults who behave like children are fooled.

What can be called a kavain? There is no specific rule that would determine what kawai is. This word, both in Japan and in our country, is applied individually, and this depends on what the consuming person considers to be a kawaii. This word is applied to both living people and objects. The Japanese pay much attention to appearance, behavior. Therefore for them kavai is the highest manifestation of courtesy, mercy, sympathy.

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