Many people use such a client as ICQ. But sometimes it happens that you forgot or lost your password. About how to recover ICQ password, our article will tell.

Official site

First of all you need to go to this link - the official ICQ site. Going to this site, you will see there 2 fields:

  • You must enter your ICQ number, recover the password from which you want.
  • Enter the numbers that are indicated on the image (that is, "captcha").
  • After that, you need to click the button with the word "Next".

If you entered all the data correctly, you will seepage that warns you that an email has already been sent to your email account. In this letter there will be a link, by clicking on it, you will go to the password recovery page. In the case when your email address is not entered in the ICQ number or if someone else is inscribed, then you can not wait for the letter.

Clicking this link will bring up a window where you will enter:

  • In field # 1 - your new password. Try to think of it as hard as possible.
  • In field # 2, you must repeat this password.

Then you just need to click on the button labeled "Done."

You will see a message stating that your password has been successfully changed. Now you can log in to your ICQ account with a new password.

Other options

When the user forgot the ICQ password, how can I restore it? There are other options for this:

  • When your password is saved in the client itself, and you can use ICQ, but the password itself is not visible because of the asterisks, you must download any program that displays such "hidden" passwords.
  • You can try to restore the password from ICQ with help of control questions in the event that you specified them during registration.
  • In the case when your ICQ number is linked to an accountany of the localized ICQ partners, for example, Bigmir Rambler, then the lost password will be changed in case of changing the password from the account of this partner.
  • The last thing you can do is tryguess the password (for example, qwerty, 1111111 and others like them). This method should be used last because you can delete the password saved under the stars. For this purpose, use some other ICQ client.

If all of the above does not help, you just need to register a new account in ICQ, because it will be impossible to find out the password.

Now you know how to recover ICQ password!

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