The letter is a consistent explanation of the topic,thought, object. Now the letters are written not only on paper, but also on the Internet. How to write a letter, which rules should be observed when sending and receiving a letter?

Personal letter

When writing a letter, the paper must be chosengood quality, a piece of paper from a student's notebook may seem disrespectful to the addressee. Now letters to each other write less and less often. And many have already forgotten or do not know how to write a letter correctly. So, let's remember how it's done. A letter always begins with a call that is in the middle of the line. The main text is written 2-3 cm below, with a red line. At the bottom of the sheet is left 2-3 cm. If you need to write a little more, but the sheet ends, then it is better to continue on the next sheet. It is not accepted to write both sides of the sheet. Corrections in the letter are unacceptable, this can indicate the illiteracy of the author of the letter. It is necessary to write a letter legibly, not finely, the addressee must understand what he is reading. You need to write ink in one color. After the end of the letter, you should subscribe. The received letter should be answered within a week. Personal letters should be kept away from prying eyes.


Recently, e-mail occupies a large place in business correspondence. E-mail is speed, simplicity, accessibility. When receiving e-mail, you need:

  • check the mail at least 2 times a day, otherwise the solution may be delayed,
  • received letters should be read, because if a letter has come, it means that someone has written and someone is important,
  • the manager of the working day must begin with a mail check, you can set the automatic receipt for 10 minutes, but better 2-3 minutes.

And now about the letter itself. It is necessary to start the letter with a greeting. Communicate need in one language, it means not only Russian or English, but also the form of the text. A business letter is a business answer.

  • A business letter should be specific, precise, concise. The letter should be specific and clear what is required.
  • Accurate data - date, place, name.
  • Do not write on three pages, which can be said in three words.
  • If the letter contains several topics, questions, tasks, then they should be separated to make it easier to read.
  • The text should not contain errors, otherwise the image of the business partner will be spoiled.
  • Before you send a letter, you need to read it and make sure that there are no mistakes, everything is clear.
  • At the end of the letter, a signature is required, which must not exceed 5-6 lines, but not less than the last name and first name. In addition, the phone number, email address, name and address of the company are indicated.

Business letter

Business correspondence is based on a set of rules, norms(correctness and respect). Even if in a letter of complaint, the text should not contain incorrect expressions, rude words. Business letter is issued on the official letterhead with the following information: name and address of the organization, fax, telephone, e-mail, web-site, details, logo. The letter must contain the registration number of the letter (incoming, outgoing) and date. Registration number is written in the upper left corner of the letter. The address to the addressee with the post and the name is located in the upper right corner below the registration number. The font of the Times New Roman letter text with 12 size. Numbering is placed in the lower right corner of the sheet. Applications are made on separate sheets. The most common sentences of a business letter are:

  • In response to your request ...
  • In connection with the joint work ...
  • Confirm ... Please ... We inform you ...
  • For your information…
  • Payment is guaranteed.
  • We remind you that in accordance with ... You must ...
  • Please check the progress of work ...
  • We invite you to take part in ...
  • We look forward to further cooperation. etc.

Sample business letter

Business letters are the following: announcing, requesting, confirming, inviting, offering, refusing, reminding, guaranteeing, etc. The following is a sample of how to write a letter. Ex. №324 from 15.05.2012. To the general director of LLC "Provision" V.I. Khabarovsk. Dear Valery Ilich! The charitable organization "Faith and Hope" is holding a charity event for children from the orphanage. We ask you to take part in this action, which will take place on June 20, 2012 at the Palace of Children's Creativity at 10.00. For all questions of this promotion, you can call 234-234. We look forward to further cooperation. President of the charitable organization "Faith and Hope". A.I. Kulinich.

How to send a letter can be found here:

  • "How do I send an email?"
  • "How do I sign an envelope?"
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