Everyone changed their data on the Internet at least onceperson. It is not strange, because everyone can forget the password, create a new mailbox or just want to change the data, as the old ones became known to someone else. Experienced users usually have no problems with changing a password or login, but for beginners this may seem rather complicated, because finding the right function is not so simple. In addition, relatively recently, the procedure for changing the login has been slightly changed, which may cause confusion.

How to change Vkontakte login: instruction

To change your registration data inVkontakte must be found in the menu on the left of the page, the item "My Settings". Going to it you will see a page with a list of settings at the top. You need the "General" tab - this is where the button you need is located. Scroll down the page until you see the blue “Save Email Address” or “Change Phone Number” button. Please note that to change the login or email you will not need to specify the old ones, so it’s not scary if you forgot them. But you can’t simply change the password without entering the old one.

If you decide to change your email addressmail, just enter the necessary data in the appropriate field and click "Save email address". After that, to confirm the changes, you will need to go to the mail and wait for the confirmation letter. After receiving it, click on the appropriate link that will send data on the change of email address. After these steps, your username will be the address of the new email account.

How to change Vkontakte login if you needwill change the mobile phone number? In this case, the procedure is even simpler than with an electronic box. In the above tab of the settings menu, click on the blue button that says "Change phone number". You will be presented with a window in which you will be asked to select the mobile operator code of your country, as well as enter a phone number. After filling in all the data and confirming the changes, an SMS message with a code should come to the number you specified. This code must be entered on the Vkontakte page to confirm the changes. After this simple operation, your username will be changed.

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