There are situations when, having registered forthe password is forgotten or lost. In such cases, the question arises as to how to find out your password in Classmates. To begin with, you need to assess the situation: what exactly have you forgotten? Only a password or also a login with an email address? In order not to waste time, just say, if you forgot your e-mail, access to your profile can not be restored.

If you still have access to the e-mail, the case is remediable.

  1. First, open the page of the site "Classmates".
  2. Under the window, where you need to enter the password, you will see the inscription "forgot the password?". Follow this link.
  3. In the field "login" enter your email address or login.
  4. Next, you need to enter letters and numbers withpictures in the specified field. This is necessary to ensure that the system is convinced that you are a person, not a robot, trying to hack the page. Send this request.
  5. Now you should receive a letter from yourunique code. Go to the mail and copy this code into the window on the Odnoklassniki website. Sometimes such emails are automatically sent to the spam folder. Check it if you did not find the letter in the received messages.
  6. Now you are at the stage of entering the code. Enter the code in the appropriate box, and if it is correct, the system will prompt you to come up with a new password for your profile.
  7. Think of a password that you would not forget the next time. Enter it in both fields the same way. It should be from 6 to 12 characters and can only contain numbers and letters of the English alphabet.
  8. When entering a new password, the system can issuemessage asking you not to enter the password you used earlier. This means that you enter the old correct password, but you can not use it now.
  9. Save the changes and use the services of the social network.
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