Twitter is a microblogging system in whichusers can send short messages up to 140 characters. It can be like news and self-promotion, and just your thoughts or ideas. In this system, you can not only leave short messages, but also read other users. A distinctive feature of Twitter is the availability of messages, i.e. all your entries are visible to any visitor to the site. But if you want to keep the privacy of your tweets, you can change the settings and close your messages from the general view. So, how to register on Twitter? In order to become a user of the most popular site you need:

  1. Go to;
  2. Fill the form in the lower right corner of the page;
  3. Fill in the blank field with the name in the opened page. This is your nickname. You can just write your name, and you can come up with something original;
  4. Then you will go to the training page, where you will be offered: - to find interesting people and start reading them; - add your contacts to find your friends;
  5. Then you get to your Twitter page where you can start writing messages.
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