Virtually everything in our time isusers of the Internet. Communication on the Internet has become not just a leisure time, but also a way to instantly transmit an important message. Even if the account ran out of money, then quickly send sms through the Internet will not be difficult now, because it is always at hand!

How to send sms to a contact for free

Most users of the network have a personala page in contact. Why not send a free SMS using a social network, if such an opportunity exists. Of course, such a service has its own limit, that is, a limited number of SMS. A day can send no more than 10 sms. What should be done:

  1. Go to the contact on the SMSDirect application.
  2. Install it on your page.
  3. In the left menu, click the "Write an SMS" button.
  4. Enter the mobile phone number, starting withsevens. For example, 79114578730. You can send SMS to any cellular operator in the territory of the Russian Federation. Make sure that the number contains 11 digits. If you want to send your message to several people at once, enter their numbers through a space.
  5. In the "Message" field, enter your sms text. You do not need to sign up, because at the end of your message will automatically be inserted a signature in the form of your name and surname from the contact, for example, Ivan Ivanov,
  6. Click on the "Send SMS" button.
  7. And finally, a tip: writing a message in Russian letters, click the "Translit" button. Russian letters will be replaced with similar in sounding English, and this will reduce the message by 2 times, which is more profitable for you.

How to send sms via the Internet for free: Megafon

  1. Take the opportunity from the official website of Megaphone.
  2. Enter the subscriber's phone number.
  3. Write your message with a maximum of 150 characters.
  4. If you want, you can choose the time of delivery of the message by checking the box opposite the offer and selecting the date and time.
  5. Enter 2 words from the picture.
  6. Click the "Send" button.

How to send sms via the Internet for free: MTS

Only subscribers of mobile operator MTS can send free SMS here.

  1. Take the opportunity from the official site of MTS.
  2. Select your region.
  3. Enter your phone number.
  4. Enter the subscriber's phone number.
  5. Write your message with a maximum of 140 characters.
  6. Click "Next".
  7. A confirmation code will come to your specified number. Enter it and click the "Send" button.

How to send sms via the Internet for free: Beeline

  1. Take the opportunity from the official site of Beeline.
  2. Enter the subscriber's phone number.
  3. Write your message with a maximum of 140 characters.
  4. Enter the code from the image.
  5. Click the "Send" button.
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