The computer's IP address can provide informationabout the physical location of this computer. In our country, it is very rare to find a really real ip-address. Basically, you can calculate only the address of the provider, that is, at least to know in which part of the country the person is. Let's see how this can be done, how to find a person by ip address.

Search for a person via ip-address

There are two options for the development of events during a person's search for an ip-address.

  1. The first option is the one when you find a person without any problems with the help of resources on the Internet.
  2. The second option is a complicated search. If a person wants to hide his ip, he can use special proxy servers that will allow him to stay in the shadows.

We will analyze the first variant, since we have nothing to put against the second outcome of the events.

  • Open our Internet browser and enter in the search box RIPE Database Query
  • Enter the ip-address of the person in the form.
  • After that you will find full information about the location of the person.
  • All you need is the "person" field.

Here's how to find a person by ip address. Before making active attempts to find a person, think carefully, do you really need this person? However, it is impossible to deny situations when this person is really needed. This may be some emergency cases involving a risk to life or health. Then you can use the ip-address to find the person. Also, this possibility can be used by law enforcement agencies that search for criminals or terrorists. If you want to settle accounts with a man, then give up this stupid idea. The Internet should not become a field for disagreements. The Internet should be a fruitful environment for the development of man and his activities.

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