Often, holders of shares are decided on their sale. But where can you implement them? To date, there are several options. Let us dwell in more detail on where you can sell shares and securities.

Investment companies

Today there are a lot of investmentcompanies whose purpose is to buy shares from the public. It is not difficult to get out on them. Usually they publish advertisements for the purchase of securities in city newspapers. There you can find their contacts. But notice that investment companies acquire shares at a price below market (exchange). However, plus cooperation with them is the speed of transactions with securities. Usually this procedure takes only 1-2 days.

Private broker

To get the most for your stocks, it's betterall turn to a private broker. They keep a relatively low percentage of transactions. The sale of securities in this case will occur on the stock exchange. And here many may have a question - why do I need an intermediary? The answer lies in the current legislation of the Russian Federation "On the Securities Market". According to him, only legal entities can sell shares on stock exchanges. They must have a license for dealer activities.

That is why selling directly shares in stockmarkets is impossible. Therefore, you will need to enter into a contract with the broker. Also it will be necessary to effect the interdepository transfer of securities to the broker's account. After that, he will start selling them on the stock exchange (this can take several days, and several months). If the buyer's price suits you, the broker will make a deal on your behalf. After crediting the funds, he will withhold his commission, and the remaining money will be transferred to your account.

Brokerage companies

You can also contact one of the brokerscompanies. Here, more significant commissions will be withheld from the sale (the money after the transaction is credited to the account in 3-4 days). After all, such a company needs not only to pay the broker, but also to get its profit. Nevertheless, many use their services, believing that such an option for the sale of shares is the most reliable.

We also recommend reading the article How to sell shares.

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