Gold items are incredibly popular already manyyears, however, like all things, they eventually get bored or just out of fashion. Therefore, people sometimes have a desire and a need to sell them and replace them with new ones. We propose to find out where to sell gold in order to get the maximum benefit and to shield yourself from unwanted risk.

Where can I sell gold

Gold jewelry and bullion can be sold in several places, and before choosing a method, weigh all its pluses and minuses.

Jewelry shop

The first step is to try to contact well-known jewelry stores. If the product is really gold and worth some money, then, as a rule, they will not refuse you in its redemption.

You can visit several shops todetermine the weight of your product and find out the cost that you can get for it. The price per gram of gold in different stores may be different, so it's better to spend a little time to find the most advantageous option for you.

Also in jewelry stores, you can exchange your gold for a new product. If the weight of the jewelry will match, then you will only have to pay the cost of the work of the master.


Putting your gold in a pawnshop, it's worth knowing thatbuyer is extremely interested in personal profit and will offer you the lowest possible price to stay with a good profit. Often the value of the item is much lower than its cost, so contact these institutions only in emergency situations.

The great advantage of pawnshops is that youafter some time you can redeem your product. This is useful in the event that you just needed cash for a while. To the value will add a certain amount - the interest for the loan that you were granted.

Second-hand dealers on the streets

Their principle is the same as in pawnshops -pay you as little money as possible. In addition, you can be deceived with weight or convince of the incorrectness of the sample in your product, as in most cases such people are deceivers and charlatans. Keep from such transactions as far as possible.


Banks also make gold purchases, howeversimple chains and bracelets will not suit them. If you have special bank ingots, you can go with them to banking institutions, they simply will not accept other products.


If you are wondering where to deposit gold, it is worthpay attention to the firms-buyers who specialize in the purchase of gold and silver for the purpose of remelting and use to create new jewelry. Putting your gold in such an organization, you can not buy it back and return it.

In such firms you can get the maximumvalue for your gold. But it's worth taking seriously the choice of such an organization, since many have an unclean reputation and can engage in cheating their clients for profit.

Tips before selling

  • Before you sell your gold, it's worthcarefully study the products. Perhaps you are the owner of the work of a famous designer, so the price per thing can double. However, you should tell about this yourself, as it is advantageous for jewelers to remain silent about this fact and stay in good profit.
  • Determine the cost of the product from famous jewelers. They will tell you what gold sample in your product is and will accurately determine its exact weight.
  • Choosing a pawnshop, a store or a buying house, carefully read the reviews on the Internet and, if necessary, make a few clarifying calls.

Now you know how and where you can give gold jewelry. Choose the most suitable option for yourself and act.

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