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How can I check my card online?

The most convenient way to find out the balance of bankingmaps via SMS. But information about the card can be obtained through the Internet, and in this way you can learn much more than the current balance. In the online bank you can see the details of the card, get an extract on it, transfer money to another card and so on. In this article we will tell you how to check the map through the Internet, using the example of Sberbank Online and Alfa Click services. Also you may be interested in the article How to find out the balance on the Savings Bank card.

Registration in Sberbank Online

If you are not registered in the online serviceSberbank, click on its main page the link "Registration" and enter the number of your main debit card issued by Sberbank. You can not use a credit card for registration.

On your mobile phone, tied to the card,will receive an SMS password. Enter it - and you will see a form for creating a login and password. In the field "New login" enter your login to enter Sberbank Online. It can be written in Cyrillic or Latin, contain numbers and special characters, and its length must be at least 8 characters. You can not use three identical letters in a row or three characters that follow one another on the keyboard.

Now think of a good password - it should alsoconsist of at least 8 characters, including at least one number, uppercase and lowercase letters. Enter the password in the "Enter new password" and "Repeat password" fields.

Now enter your email address andclick "Continue" to complete the registration. In the future you will be able to enter into Sberbank Online with the help of the created login and password, confirming the entry with the digital code that you will be sent to SMS every time.

View card details in Sberbank Online

All your cards are shown on the mainpage of Sberbank Online. Here you can find only basic information about the card: the last four digits of its number, the validity period and the current balance. By clicking on the link "Show operations", you can see the last four operations with this card. And the button "Operations" opens a list of available actions: pay for services, replenish the card, transfer money or block the card.

To get more information about the map, click on its name. On

Check card
In the Recent operations tab, you will see morea complete list of recent transactions with the card. Under the link "Full statement" you can see the list of operations for any period of time you are interested in, and under the link "Order a report on e-mail" - get this list to your e-mail address. On the "Graphic statement" tab, the information on transactions on the card is presented in the form of an intuitive graph, where the receipt of funds is allocated in one color, and the expense - in another.

On the "Information on the map" tab, you can seedetailed information about the card. Here the card account number is indicated, and if it is a credit card, also the amount of the debt and the mandatory payment. The link "Requisites for transfer to the card account" opens a separate window in which you can get all the information you need to receive transfers from other people: account number, bank name, BIC, correspondent account, KPP, TIN, OKPO, OGRN and even legal and the postal address of the bank. For convenience, these details can immediately be printed or saved to a file.

Find out the cost of servicing your cardyou can click on the link "Tariffs for services". True, it lists the tariffs for all cards issued by Sberbank, so you yourself will have to find the right document.

Registration in Alpha-Clicks

Alfa-Bank also has its ownonline banking. In Alfa-Klyk you can find out information about your card, transfer money from it, pay for services and so on. The service can be connected directly to the bank when opening an account or independently - through an ATM in the menu "Other transactions", by phone +7 (495) 78-888-78 (for Moscow and the Moscow region) or 8 (800) 200-00-00 (for regions) or via the Internet.

To do this, go to the main page of the Alpha-Click and click the "Connect" link.

Check card
Enter the number, validity of the card and the lastfour figures of his phone, which indicated when processing documents in Alfa-Bank. Select the checkbox "Connect Internet Bank Alfa-Click". To confirm that you are not a robot, select the picture that corresponds to the specified condition (for example, a red apple), and click the "Connect" button.

You will receive an SMS with a confirmation code. Enter it on the site and click "Continue". Then you will receive another SMS message, this time with a temporary password. Enter it to enter, and then change the password to a new, more reliable one. In the future, you will enter Alfa-Click using this password and confirm the entry with the code that you will be sent to your mobile phone.

Viewing the map data in Alpha-Clicks

The main page of the Alpha-Click shows information about your accounts. Usually,

Check card
The debit card is tied to the current account, andCredit - to the credit card account. Here you can see the current balance, and more detailed information you can find in the section "My Maps". Here is a list of your cards, their corresponding account numbers and expiration dates.

If you click on the name of the card, it opensdetailed information about it. You can see the latest operations on the card, and under the link "Show detailed statement" - the list of operations for any period you are interested in. Here you can set limits on payment through the Internet or even block the card.

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