Sometimes it is required to quickly calculate how many rubles a service or product is worth, the price of which is indicated in dollars. How to convert dollars into rubles quickly and without a calculator?

First, we determine how much is 1 dollar. Today its price is 31 rubles. Therefore, to find out the value of the commodity in rubles, you need to multiply the amount in dollars by 31.

  • X = Y * 31, where X - the required amount in rubles, and Y - the declared price in dollars.

However, the rate can change significantly, so before you figure out the amount in rubles, you need to find out how much the dollar is worth today. And then your calculations will be the most faithful.

It is worth noting one more nuance. The bank buys dollars at a price lower than it sells. The difference can be expressed in several percent. Accordingly, the price in rubles may differ.

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