The question of the balance of the family budget is veryoften pops up in families. Lack of money can lead to quarrels, right up to divorce. To avoid this, it is necessary to know how to properly manage the family budget, so that expenses always coincide with income.

Record and count

The budget is so easy to plan quicklyyou can not, for this you need 2-3 months to observe yourself well, as well as make it a habit to write down all the expenses of the family in the notebook. This will help in the future to separate the necessary expenditure from the useless. You can also collect and paste shop receipts, which at the end of the month should be analyzed.

The next point in planning the budgetis the summation of all household incomes. This includes white and black wages, various earnings, advances, bonuses, interest that are accrued by the bank, as well as income from shares, if any. Having calculated the total amount, we get the total amount of the family budget.

Types of budgets

There are three types of budget:

  • A share is when the entire amount of future expenses is divided in half by both spouses, and the remaining amount remains for personal expenses.
  • The total budget - the spouses put their income in a common pot, and then decide how to spend the money together.
  • Separate - with such a budget, each of the spouses disposes of his personal funds, but for general expenses and needs they are discarded.

Distribution of money

Most often, families have a common budget. To know how to conduct a budget correctly, to begin with, with the entire amount of money, calculate the amount of the loan and other mandatory payments that are required to be paid monthly. The remaining money is divided into 5-6 parts. It is necessary to allocate funds for food, rent, rest, clothing, entertainment, and some money should be left in the reserve (about 5-10%).

The percentage of each share is necessaryto calculate and establish, as a standard. You should try not to exceed the amount deferred to one or another category of costs. If at the end of the month, there is still something left, then this amount can be postponed for a rainy day or put in a bank for a deposit.

Save in store

Careful housewives often worry about how to run a family budget if going to the store takes a pretty decent amount of money. To do this, just go shopping with intelligence.

  • Virtually all products can be purchased atmarket. And their cost will be an order of magnitude lower than in the store. In the end, you will save quite a decent amount of money. Ideal if you will make purchases in the market days, when prices are reduced even more.
  • When you go to the store, use discount cards. They are practically in any store. Most often they are funded, which will save 2% of the total amount in the check.
  • Going to the store, make a list of necessary products, so as not to be tempted by all sorts of goodies.
  • In the store, take a certain amount of cash, and do not use a plastic card.
  • Do not bring your children with you. As a rule, children like to take something off the shelf, which is then very difficult to return back - you have to buy.
  • After going into the hall, it is better to take the basket instead of the trolley. Hardly you want to put something else in an already heavy basket.

Separately it is necessary to say about credits. It's clear that not everyone can afford to buy expensive household appliances, paying the entire amount immediately. But you do not need to take a loan right away. There is an alternative. Now the stores are more loyal to customers and offer installments. It is much more economical than paying a loan.

Another item of expenditure is gifts. Often they are bought in a hurry, which leads to extra spending. But here you can save. All events are known and repeated from year to year. Therefore, you will spend much less if you think ahead and buy a gift. And you can even buy gifts in bulk at wholesale stores.


How to maintain the budget given the rise in price of rent? Easily, and you can save a pretty good amount of money.

To do this you need:

  • Make the husband fix all the current taps and the tank.
  • Do not use conventional incandescent lamps, it is better to replace them with a mirror or energy-saving lamp. They give more light at low power.
  • If possible, install a regulator on the battery that will allow you to set the desired temperature in the room.
  • Glue the windows. This saves up to 30% of the heat, and therefore the heat you pay for will go not to the street, but to your room.
  • Put the boiler. Yes, he draws a lot of energy. But the spent electricity will be cheaper than the cost of used hot water.
  • Put counters - this will significantly reduce waste. You will pay only for the water you use, and not for some neighbor Vasya.


At once there is a question, how to conduct a homebudget, if you are planning a repair. Yes, just as usual, just postpone the money for repairs in advance and use them rationally. It's not at all necessary to call a bunch of masters, because paint the walls, paste the same wallpaper you can yourself. But to replace the plumbing, the installation of windows will have to be spent and call the masters.

When buying materials, think logically. For example, in a room where everything is covered with carpets and furniture, it is not worth buying expensive wallpapers - nobody will see them anyway. Buy unpretentious. Better place an accent on the ceiling or get a chic chandelier.

Clothes, cosmetics

On clothes, as a rule, you can not save -you always need to look good. In addition, quality clothing is usually expensive. But, nevertheless, stopping at the window of a fashion store with a blouse that you like, think, but do you really need it? Or this tenth lipstick?


As a summary of the short course, how to manage the budget, there are several tips for keeping the home budget:

  • In the conduct of the home budget, both spouses must necessarily participate, which will in the future prevent disagreements over where the money was spent.
  • You should never save on education, food and rest. Is it worth to give up excess if they can not afford it.
  • In order to monitor your spending on a daily basis, you can divide the entire amount of money by the number of days in a month, thereby determining the amount of money that can be spent without problems.
  • Regularly look through the records of expenses to find out if something was bought in vain. But at the same time there is absolutely no need to save on everything in a row. It will not lead to anything good.
  • Do not keep money at home. They will sooner or later seduce you, and you will start spending it, which can not be tolerated.
  • The purchase of a large commodity will not affect thefinancial position, as a mass of small. Therefore, go to the store only with a list and on a full stomach. Everyone knows that the hungrier, the more food you buy.

Maintaining the family budget contributes to the fact thatthe family can afford not only to save, but also to save a decent amount for some big purchase, a long trip, or to put money into the bank at interest for the future of their children.

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