Pear is considered to be the most popular and allfavorite fruits. Its useful properties allow you to get rid of some diseases and enrich the body with a lot of vitamins and trace elements.

Fans of this fruit will be useful to know how many calories in pear.

Caloric content of a pear

Caloric content of this fruit is quite low, and its level fluctuates slightly depending on the variety. The average energy value of a pear is from 45 Kcal / 100 g.

The Chinese pear has a caloric content of 42 Kcal / 100 g. This is the lowest level, since the fruit is low in sugar content. Other pear varieties are characterized by the following indicators:

  • pear Conference - 45 kcal / 100 g;
  • pear Williams - 48 kcal / 100 g;
  • pear Pakham - 48 kcal / 100 g.

The higher calorie content of the last two varietiesis due to their juiciness, delicate structure and high sugar content. Due to the softness of these fruits it is good to use for making baby purees and juices. Also, these varieties are the least allergenic and are well absorbed in the body.

The average weight of one fetus is about 200 grams. Therefore, if you eat 1 pear, then it will have about 90 calories. Namely:

  • in the Chinese pear - 84 Kcal;
  • in pear Conference - 90 kcal;
  • in the pear Williams or Pakham - 96 kcal each.

Useful properties of pears

  • Pear is different from other fruits with a high content of fructose, and not sucrose.
  • Perfectly absorbed by the body without insulin.
  • It is the source of a large content of folic acid and iron.
  • Has a large concentration of potassium.
  • It can improve metabolism in the body and digestion.
  • Microelements contained in the pear, help the body absorb iron and remove excess water.

To get the maximum benefit from the pear, itsit is best to eat 30 minutes after eating, and do not drink water after that for an hour. Also, it is recommended to eat these fruits before taking heavy food, so that the body can more easily digest it.

Another popular fruit in the world is a banana. About its calorie content and useful properties you can learn from the article How many calories in a banana.

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