Sugar is present today in almost allproducts, even in those where he seems to do absolutely nothing to do, for example, in sausage and crab sticks. Good in this little, because sugar, except for calories, does not carry any biological value for the organism, it means that a person could perfectly exist without him.

However, what to hide, sugar surprisinglyimproves the taste of many dishes and drinks, it is indispensable for canning, and therefore it remains only not to abuse it. Let's see how many calories in sugar to understand how much we can afford it ourselves a day without consequences for the figure.

Calorie content of sugar

Calorie content of sugar is 398 kcal per 100 g. Proteins - 0 g, fats - 0 g, carbohydrates - 99.7 g.

In a tablespoon is placed 20 grams of sugar, intea - 6 grams. Thus, in a tablespoon of sugar 80 kcal fits (the same number of calories are contained in an average banana), in the tea - 24 kcal (the same is contained in an average tomato or cucumber).

As you can see, the calorie content of sugar is very high, sothat if you can drink tea or coffee without sugar, it's better to do so. It is important to understand that sugar is not only high-calorie, it is also harmful to the teeth - bacteria that are contained in the mouth of a person, transform sugar into an acid that corrodes tooth enamel and provokes caries.

The Benefits of Sugar

However, some useful properties of sugareverything is just like that. Sugar helps the liver withstand toxic substances, and therefore the introduction of glucose (one of the components of sugar) intravenously is often practiced in poisoning and certain liver diseases.

Plus, of course, sugar at the expense of rich contentcarbohydrates quickly supplies the body with the right energy - many runners for long distances are advised to eat a piece of sugar while running through a run and feel depleted.

Sugar also has an important psychological effect: when a person eats something sweet, the pancreas produces insulin, which, in turn, stimulates the production of the hormone of happiness, and the person feels joy.

More about the products that make us happy, read in the Sweets section.

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