Some people avoid eatingchicken eggs, because they believe that this product has a lot of cholesterol. However, this is not entirely true, since eggs contain useful cholesterol, which the body needs. Below you can find out what else is useful for a chicken egg, if you eat it raw.

Than a raw chicken egg

In raw eggs, there is lecithin: this substance neutralizes harmful cholesterol, which clogs the blood vessels. It is best to eat raw eggs in the form of a cocktail in the morning. After all, thermal treatment destroys all useful substances. It is important to know that 1 egg replaces 100 g of meat, because this product contains protein, amino acids and lots of vitamins. These are vitamins A, E, D, group B. In addition, eggs contain a lot of phosphorus, iron, calcium and potassium.

Raw eggs well raise hemoglobin, loweracidity of the stomach. A gogol-mogol will help with a strong cough. Yolk with sugar can be used for the prevention of pulmonary diseases. It is enough to eat it daily. Many singers drink boltushku from raw eggs before the performance, because the protein serves as a kind of lubricant for vocal chords.

Eating raw eggs, be careful, as there is a high probability of catching salmonella. It is best to buy this product in proven locations.

More information about the beneficial properties of eggs can be found in our article - Than eggs are useful.

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