For several centuries the cookuse a pumpkin as an independent dish and garnish. Gourmets prefer to eat pumpkin in raw form. How correctly to eat pumpkin, what useful properties does it have, and what can you cook from it? This will be discussed in the article.

How to eat pumpkin: tips

Raw pumpkin contains a lot of nutritioussubstances and vitamins that ensure the normal performance of the cardiovascular system, acts as an excellent sedative, prevent insomnia.

Pumpkin can be eaten raw and peeledcut into pieces. Raw pumpkin contributes to weight loss and stimulates the human immune system. An important role in this is played by vitamin T (responsible for the metabolism) contained in the pumpkin in large quantities. A crude pumpkin is strictly forbidden to people who suffer from diabetes.

Pumpkin juice is recommended for people suffering from anemia.

You can make a salad of raw pumpkin and radish and season it with olive oil. This is a good remedy for colds.

You can grate the raw pumpkin on a grater, fill it with vegetable oil or sour cream of low fat content. Such a dish will help protect the liver and prevent the development of cirrhosis.

What you can make from pumpkin: options

Leading position in the list of dishes from pumpkintakes porridge, which can be sweet or lean. Pumpkin porridge can be cooked on water or on milk. In some recipes, the pumpkin is cut into large pieces, then rubbed on a grater and cooked. In others, the pumpkin is cut into small pieces, extinguished, then crushed with a blender. Pumpkin porridge is often cooked with cereals.

From the pumpkin you can cook soup, ideal for a diet menu. For example, pumpkin soup.

For preparation, take:

  • 500 g of pumpkin;
  • 1 head of onions;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 1 Bulgarian pepper;
  • 3 cloves garlic;
  • curry;
  • pepper and salt.

Chop the vegetables and cook until ready ina small amount of water. Add finely chopped garlic and simmer for another 5 minutes. After that, grind everything with a blender, dilute the resulting puree with water to the desired density and add salt and spices.

Pumpkin can be stuffed with meat and potatoes, butfor the body this combination will be difficult to digest food, so stuffed pumpkin watered with lemon juice or juice of another citrus, which makes the dish softer.

For a pumpkin dessert, you can cook a casserole,plachindu or pie. Plachinda is a kind of pie from a yeast, puff or lean dough of flat round shape, the stuffing of which is most often a pumpkin.

For the preparation of plachindy take yeastdough, roll out, put stuffing in the center and fold it in the form of an envelope. Bake cake in the oven or fry in a pan. The filling for dessert is prepared from pumpkin, grated and mixed with sugar.

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