Pancakes from courgettes are a summer and very tasty dish and, that is rather important, quickly preparing. It is suitable for any time of the day - pancakes can be prepared for dinner, breakfast, and dinner.

How to Make Pancakes: recipes

First of all, of course, you will need a zucchini, preferably a young or a patisson. To prepare for two servings you will need the following ingredients:

  1. about 250 grams (1 piece) of zucchini;
  2. three eggs;
  3. a couple tablespoons of flour;
  4. one clove of garlic;
  5. greens - dill, parsley, onions;
  6. salt and pepper to taste;
  7. vegetable oil for frying;
  8. sour cream for filing.

Eggs are broken in a deep bowl, slightly peppered and slightly shaken with a whisk or fork. Greens and garlic finely chopped and added to the eggs. All mixed.

Then my zucchini and three of it on a large grater(it is possible in a meat grinder), and if not a young zucchini is used, then it is necessary to cut off rough skin and remove the seeds. Grated zucchini is added to the egg-seasoned mass. After that, add the flour there and thoroughly mix everything. It is advised to salt the future pancakes right before the frying, otherwise zucchini will allocate a lot of juice - the dough will turn out to be very liquid and you will have to add more flour.

Fry zucchini pancakes as well as usual -are laid out with small slides on a heated frying pan with butter. In the process of frying pancakes can be slightly pressed with a spoon or spatula, making them more flat. They are fried one - two minutes before a ruddy crust.

Slices are served hot and, preferably, with sour cream and greens. Pizza pancakes are fashionable not only with greens, but also with other additives - for example with potatoes or with cheese.

How to make pancakes from courgettes with potatoes

For two servings the ingredients remain the same - only add 200 grams of potatoes. This kind of pancakes is prepared in the same way, but potatoes are added to the grated zucchini in the same form.

How to make pancakes from courgettes with cheese

In our recipe, some changes are added again - namely:

  • a small bell pepper;
  • hard cheese - about grams.

First of all, on a frying pan slightlyPeppers and onions are fried. Further everything is done as in the first recipe, but the grated cheese is added to the finished test, as well as the resulting frying. That's all, pancakes with cheese are ready, it remains only to submit beautifully.

So, pancakes from courgettes are prepared quiteit is simple and not for long. In addition, they can always be diversified with new flavors by adding other products. Also for many, the good news is that these pancakes are low-calorie - especially if you do not add a lot of oil when frying, which means they will not harm the figure at all and will suit for a diet dinner!

If you suddenly want to bake more and sweet pancakes, then the options for their preparation can be read on the next page - "How to cook pancakes."

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