Coca-Cola, without exaggeration, the most populardrink on the planet. It is worth it once to try and this amazing, unique taste will be remembered to you forever. The recipe for this drink is carefully protected by the manufacturer, but this does not prevent the admirers of Coca-Cola from trying to uncover the secret of cooking again and again. Maybe you were wondering about that, but how to make a cola? We found one recipe for you.

How to Make Coca Cola at Home

To make a house we need a cola:

Components for flavoring:

  • 3,5ml of orange oil.
  • 1ml of lemon oil
  • 1,25ml of cinnamon oil
  • 0,25ml of neroli oil or bergamot oil
  • 0.25 ml of lavender oil
  • 10 g of food gum arabic
  • 1ml of nutmeg
  • 0,25ml of coriander oil
  • 2.75ml of lime oil
  • 3ml of water

Components for concentrate:

  • 2 liters of water
  • 2.5ml of caffeine
  • 2kg of granulated sugar
  • 17.5 ml of 75% lemon (or phosphoric acid)
  • 30,0 food coloring E150


  • We take essential oils and mix them well.between themselves. Add gum arabic and mix, after adding water and again mix well. It is better for these purposes to use a mixer or blender.
  • The resulting flavor is mixed with lemon(or phosphoric acid). Then mix the water and sugar. Next, you should add caffeine, but if you for some reason do not want to do this, you can not add. It will not affect the taste. So, add caffeine and mix it with water and sugar until it completely dissolves. Take our mixture of flavors and acids, and slowly pour it into a mixture of sugar and water. Add the food color E150 (which gives the drink the famous caramel color) and mix well.
  • Concentrate, which we received (or part thereof)mixed with water 1: 2.5. Next, we should gas our drink. We do it with the help of what is at hand. You can use an automaton that carbonates drinks (it mixes the concentrate and soda water). However, the easiest way is to take ordinary sparkling water and mix it with the concentrate that we got.
  • If you are not looking for easy ways, then you cangasify the water with dry ice. Place the drink in a sufficiently large bowl and close tightly with a lid. Add to the container dry ice (100-250 g dry ice per liter of liquid) Wait until the dry ice dissolves. Approximately 15 minutes for each liter of liquid. In the process of dissolution, the solid carbonic acid penetrates into the liquid, forms bubbles, and evaporates with white smoke. Part of it settles on the bottom of the dishes (with solid white flakes). We merge the drink into a prepared container and close it tightly with a lid.

If you still decided to make Coca Cola at home,remember the following: acid should be poured into the water, and not the other way around. So you will not burn with its spray. If you use dry ice, be sure to wear thick gloves.

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