Food is very necessary for us to maintainvitality and, in addition, brings pleasure. However, some types of products are not useful for our body. They are called pop-food. These are hot dogs, chips, hamburgers and others. But now we will devote more time to chips - the favorite dish of all children. Let's see what the chips are harmful and why they are addictive.

Chips are harmful to health

This call is now as relevant as ever. People of different ages like to eat snacks, crispy chips - fried potatoes. What are the harmful chips, you ask, if they are made from potatoes? The fact is that from potatoes there remains only the name. The process of processing is so powerful that the potato loses all its valuable properties, and in return acquires very harmful substances for the human body.

Let's consider some features of chips:

  • This is a very high calorie product. In 100 grams, it contains carbohydrates and fats in such quantities that for a child it is half the daily food norm. That's what promotes obesity.
  • Excess of salt in chips prevents the normal growth of bones. Also, the metabolism is broken and the soil is prepared for a heart attack.
  • Flavors and dyes are flavoring additives that enhance the taste of chips, simulating mushrooms, dill, sour cream, bacon and others. They are very strong allergens.
  • Well, and fats, which have a carcinogenic effect,are very dangerous for humans. They cause cancer, increase cholesterol levels in the blood and increase the likelihood of a heart attack and stroke at a young age.

So, do not be tempted, avoid adverts, crunch delicious chips! Watch your food and live long!

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