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How to cook rice correctly?

Rice is considered a great side dish, greataddition to almost any product. But how to cook rice properly, so that instead of friable beautiful garnish did not leave a mess? It's not just the young housewives who are tormented by this issue. Many people who are stunningly preparing complex dishes at home, are afraid to take rice as a side dish.

How to cook friable rice

The first way will surprise no one. Buy rice in bags and weld it portionwise flawlessly can all. But is it worth it to spend that kind of money to cook so little rice when you have the usual rice in a pack?

To boil the crumbly rice, you need toto determine its grade. Do not buy round rice, it absorbs moisture well and adheres, so it is more often used for sushi, desserts and casseroles. The medium-grained rice will also be viscous, since it also contains a lot of starch, and it absorbs water perfectly. For a crumbly garnish, buy long grain rice, it does not stick together with the correct cooking.

Cook friable rice strictly according to the instructions:

  1. The proportions of rice and water: water should be twice as much as rice. For example, take 1 cup of dry cereals and 2 cups of water.
  2. While the water boils in a saucepan, rinse rice with plain water 3-5 times. Dissolve the water.
  3. Throw washed rice into boiling water. No seasoning can be added now!
  4. Cover the pan with a lid, and make the fire small. It is better to take a transparent cover so that the whole cooking process is visible. The lid can not be opened during the whole process.
  5. Now the most important rule: how much to cook rice? Remember! Cook the rice exactly 12 minutes! The right proportions and small fire ensure that the rice does not burn.
  6. Remove the saucepan of rice from the plate and let the rice stand and rub for another 12 minutes without opening the lid and stirring it.
  7. Only after that you can open the lid of the pan and, if desired, add spices, oils.

How to steamed steamed rice

The steamed rice retains its yellowish color,since it does not grind, but is processed by steam. Due to this, rice preserves more minerals and vitamins. When cooking, the color of rice becomes snow-white. When steamed rice is cooked, its grains never stick together, so it turns out friable even after reheating the dish. Steaming steamed rice should be longer than usual, as without grinding the grains of rice become harder and get worse. The cooking time is 20-25 minutes.

How to cook brown rice

The brown color of rice is explained by the fact thatthe shell of the grain is preserved. This sort of rice is very useful, because it is in the shell of rice contains the most useful substances. Brown rice is brewed even longer, since its grain is even harder than that of steamed rice. Cook it up to 40 minutes. It perfectly cleanses the human body of toxins and promotes weight loss. Before cooking, rinse the brown rice, pour it with cold salt water for about 15 minutes. Then drain this water and rinse the rice again. Leave it in boiling water and cook for 40 minutes.

How to cook wild rice

Wild rice is black. In our stores you can often find it mixed with long-grain. It contains a lot of fiber and other nutrients. This garnish fits perfectly with fish dishes. For 1 glass of wild rice, you need to take 5 glasses of water. After the rice is washed, dip it into boiling salted water and cook over medium heat for 10 minutes. Then cover the pan with the rice lid and lower the heat to a minimum. So cook the wild rice for 40 minutes, stirring it.

How to cook round rice

As already mentioned, round-grain rice is suitableis best for sushi, casseroles and puddings, since it has the property of sticking together. Brewed rice with a lot of water, because it absorbs it very quickly. That is, for 1 glass of rice we will take not 2 but 3 glasses of water. Cook the rice until it absorbs all the water.

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