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How to grow petunia?

Today, dear reader, our article will answerthe question of how to grow petunia. Plants in the house are designed not only to improve the composition of air in the room, but also to give their owners a sense of peace and unity with nature. Let's learn more about what can give us petunia. So:

Growing petunia

Large and bright petunia flowers made thisthe plant is the favorite of all florists. The plant is grown, as a rule, at home on balconies or outdoors. In nature, this plant can be found mainly in South America.

How to grow petunia from seeds?

First of all, it is necessary to understand howthis plant is planted. Everything depends, in this case, on your desire. If you want flowers to blossom in early-mid-May, then it is necessary to plant seeds somewhere in the middle of March. You can put it earlier.

As soil for petunia should be usedsuch a composition. 2 parts of peregrated humus, 2 parts of leaf or turf ground, 2 parts of peat and 1 part of sand. Also, lime should be added if the resulting soil is too oxidized. All these components must be thoroughly mixed. Sift the soil through a large sieve, then through a fine sieve. Large screenings should be located at the bottom of the pot. On the bottom is also better to add a layer of crushed expanded clay. Residues from a fine sieve fill the top third of the pot. All this soil must be soaked in water. On the surface, sprinkle the seeds of petunia and pour from the nebulizer.

It is best to cover the seeds with a layer of soil, but not more than 1-2 mm. The pot should be covered with paper or glass and stored at a temperature of 20-23 degrees.

One of the most important conditions for how correctlyTo grow a petunia is reduced to the following. The first 2 weeks, it is necessary to spray seeds with water containing potassium permanganate once or twice a day. After that, water the plant less often. If necessary, you can increase watering with clean water without impurities.

Finally there are shoots! A week after this event, it is necessary to start foliar top dressing. To do this, it is sufficient to spray the plant with mineral fertilizers. If you see that growth is slow, then you can use growth stimulants. Be careful and do not get carried away by it. Throughout the flowering, stimulants can only be used 2-3 times.

The most important enemy of petunia is the excessivehumidity. In such conditions, plant seedlings, as a rule, fall ill. In case of a negative outcome, you should stop abundant watering of the plant. Spray the soil with water along the sides of the box. Try to get as little moisture as possible on the plant. Foci of the disease can be sprinkled with fine sand or wood ash. You need to know this in order to understand how to properly grow petunia seedlings.

After the appearance of the first real sheets,Seed the seedlings in different places. It can be plastic pots. Soil composition remains unchanged. Seed plants should be covered with paper or lutrasilom. Petunia's landing in the open ground in the middle zone of Russia is possible only in the second half of May. Here's how to grow petunia's seedlings.

Let us recall a little about what kind of lightingpetunia. This plant likes open sunny places. You should also consider the grade of your plant. Large petunias like more heat than small petunias. If the window is set for poor, damp weather, then petunia ceases to grow. Also, the advantage of the plant is its resistance to drought. No problem tolerates a strong watering of the soil, however, also suffers from stagnant water. Remember that much in the care of the plant will determine its appearance. Large-flowered petunias are more capricious than their smaller counterparts.

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