The site is one of the most popular sites among sites for the sale of various products. Place their ads many companies, as well as people who want to sell this or that thing. Among such sites, Avito is the most visited. In this regard, our article is devoted to the problem, which is the lack of access from the user to the entrance to this site. Next we will consider why Avito does not work.

Problems when logging into

This recommendation is offered by the Avito site itself.

You can go to the Start menu and select the command line. You can call it by typing the cmd key combination. After that, you will need to enter the route-f code. Click "OK" and restart your computer.

However, in addition to them, we recommend using the following instructions.

If you find that when you enter the site Avitoopens only a blank page, then, perhaps, a hacker attack is committed to the site. The so-called ddos. However, it is possible that the case where your ip-address is blocked by the administrator. Typically, this is typical for those users who use the Internet from the company Beeline.

You can use the following list of anonymizers, which will help to hide your true ip-address:


These services replace your ip-address with another one. So the site will take you for another person. However, it is not recommended to use these services constantly. It's better to write to the support team that your ip-address was blocked for some reason. Otherwise, your computer can calculate by mac-address.

Then the lock will happen on the mac-address regardless of your ip-address. Some of these anonymizers may not work, as they fall under the blocking filter.

For help, you can also contact the official Vkontakte group. You can go to it using this link.

We recommend you to visit the Internet section for replenishing luggage knowledge about the network.

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