Rose is a favorite flower for many women. However, this plant can be planted on its own. Grow roses can be both from purchased seeds, and from collected in the suburban area.

How to grow a rose on your own

Seed method of planting is not suitable for all kinds of roses. Usually prefer a Chinese, polyanthus, needle and miniature rose.

Self-gathering of seeds

  1. Select the unripe fruit (the procedure is performed at the end of summer).
  2. Cut the fruit with a sharp knife and extract the seeds, carefully separating the grains from the pulp.
  3. Next, you need to prepare the seeds (stratification).

Stratification of seeds

Stratification is understood as the procedure for preparing seeds to accelerate germination. The order of preparation implies the aging of grains under special conditions.

Literally the concept is translated as "delamination".

  1. Moisten a piece of cloth with hydrogen peroxide and wrap the collected or purchased seeds there.
  2. Then put the seeds in a cellophane bag and glue a note indicating the grade and date.
  3. Put the package in the refrigerator (in the department for vegetables and fruits).
  4. Once a week, it is required to check the seeds forThe presence of mold and the appearance of sprouts. If the seed material is covered with mold, it will need to be replaced. Usually the first shoots appear after 1.5 - 2 months.

Seed sowing

Sprouted seeds should be planted in separatepots. As a soil, you can mix two parts of the garden land, two parts of chopped clay and part of the humus. Take care of the drainage (it is necessary to make a hole in the bottom of the pot to remove excess water).

Usually in a week you can observe the first shoots. Further it is required to provide the colors with sunlight for a long time (not less than ten hours). Therefore, it is necessary to take care of additional equipment.

About two months later, a bud will appear, and a month later the plant will blossom.

As the soil dries up, it is necessary to water the flower and periodically enrich the soil with fertilizers.

Landing in the ground

Plant transplantation in the open ground is carried out in the spring period.

  1. Choose a sunny place to plant and prepare the soil (dig up the ground and put there fertilizers, ash, compost, etc.).
  2. Dig a small hole for planting and pour the soil.
  3. Carefully transplant the seedling.
  4. Bury the roots of the plant and again pour the soil.

Perhaps you will be interested in the article How to Grow Roses.

The rules of plant care can be found in the article How to care for roses.

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