Growing pepper of any sort with the help of seedlings,you will get a good quality, good harvest. The most suitable time for the middle zone of the Russian Federation, when planting peppers on seedlings - is the end of February, as well as the first week of March. You can plant pepper seedlings even earlier, but if you have an excellent greenhouse where you can transplant peppers in April. You can even a little later, but then, in order to have a sweet pepper at home, you have to climb up sprouts every day from seven in the morning until seven in the evening to light a fluorescent lamp (35 or 75 W at a distance of about 8 cm) it was possible to hold a pick in time.

Care of pepper

Pouring pepper sprouts is best warmvodichkoy room temperature or slightly warm it up, perfectly suited watering melt water. Perform watering often and regularly, the pepper very badly tolerates the drying of the soil. Sometimes you can sprinkle seedlings.

Pepper loves heat and light very much. The optimal temperature for proper development and growth of seedlings is 20-27 ° C, at 13 ° C the pepper ceases to grow. Plant the seedlings as close to the window as possible, and on warm sunny days, you can put it on a glass balcony. Thus, the answer to the question, when to plant pepper, is very simple, with the arrival of spring you can be taken for planting pepper.

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