Fans of the garden and vegetable garden are often asked questions about the cultivation of various fruit-bearing crops. In this article, we will answer the question of when to plant apple trees.

As the centuries-old practice of gardening shows,fruit trees are best tolerated in an open ground in a state of "rest", when the foliage is discarded. Hence, this is the period from autumn to spring. However, it must be understood that before the onset of frost, the tree must be able to harden in the ground so that it can survive the winter.

When to plant apple trees in autumn?

In any region, the apple tree should not be plantedlater than a month before the first frost. For the middle zone of Russia, this period lasts from mid-September to early October. In the northern regions, it is better to finish planting apple trees until the middle of September, or even better to plant your apple tree in the spring to protect it from the severe northern winter, otherwise your tree may die. In the south, the weather sometimes allows you to plant apple trees until the end of October. If you do not have time to plant a tree in these terms, then it is better to move the planting in the spring, because the root systems do not have time to grow the fibrous roots. The plant will be deprived of normal nutrition in the winter, which will lead to its complete or partial extinction.

When to plant apple trees in the spring?

If you decide to plant an apple tree in the spring, do notthis delay. The planting should be carried out in the early spring, before budding begins. In the middle zone, the landing period begins in mid-April. In the northern areas, the planting of trees shifts towards the beginning of May. It is very important that before the hot days have passed about a month, so that the root system has time to gain a foothold, otherwise the tree will be ill for a long time and grow weak.

Now you know when it's best to plant apple trees. Choose a more convenient period for you and start landing. But before that, read another article: "How to plant an apple tree?" So as not to make mistakes in planting, and then your tree will grow healthy and fruitful.

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