Flower lovers often reflect on how to plantgladioli, so that they pleased with beautiful flowering, giving a lot of positive emotions. In this issue, everything is important: finding the right place, the quality of the soil, the correctness of planting, the state of the corms.

Planting gladiolus: highlights

Time and place

As you know, the gladiolus is sun- andphotophilous plant. In this regard, it is important to choose the right place, paying attention to the clear orientation of the bed from east to west. In a temperate climate gladiolus should be planted in late April - first half of May. Of course, this is true if the cold did not drag out, and the soil warmed up, at least, to 10 degrees Celsius. With good humidity and relatively low temperature, gladiolus roots develop quite intensively.

How to choose the "right" tubers

Before you buy corms, you needcarefully examine them. On the tubers there should be no mold or rot. It is worth paying attention to the bottom. If it is small, it means the bulb is still young. Mature corms often have a diameter of 5-7 cm. Although, sometimes there are 10-centimeter specimens. Before planting bulbs, you need to clean them from dry flakes. If there are diseased places on the corms, they need to be cut out. Sections, while it is important to sprinkle with chopped charcoal.

Depth of landing

Continuing the theme of how to plant properlygladioli, it is important to note that the depth of planting is influenced not only by the size and age of the corms, but also by the quality of the soil. If the soil is light, the plant is placed 10-12 cm. On loamy soils, they are planted 2-3 cm above. Small tubers, as a rule, are 5-8 cm from the ground, children - not less than 3-5 cm. It should be noted that the latter are planted a week earlier than adult bulbs. After planting is carried out, the bed should be sprinkled with peat or humus for 1-3 cm.

It is important to note that if you plant the tubers deeper,this can lead to later flowering. In addition, a large bulb with a smaller number of children will form. The most unpleasant thing is that in the cool summer corms can be affected by bacteria and fungi. Today, thanks to the Internet, the whole process of how to plant gladioluses on video can be viewed by drawing a lot of useful information from it.

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