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How to install greenhouses?

Installation of even a simple greenhouse requiresa certain skill. Also, before the installation itself, it is necessary to prepare the site and prepare the tools for work. Let's look at how to install a greenhouse yourself. We will consider the installation of a greenhouse made of polycarbonate. This kind of greenhouse is excellent for many varieties of plants and allows them to provide them with reliable protection against rain and sunburn.

Greenhouse installation

We will need the following tools and materials:

  • Spanner on 8mm
  • Knife
  • Screw set
  • Beam 100 * 100 mm
  • Self-tapping screws
  • Hacksaw
  • Screwdriver
  • Slate sheets
  • Bolts
  • Polycarbonate sheets

Of course, the framework for the greenhouse should be ready in advance. More information on how you can collect it, you can learn in the article How to build a greenhouse.

Selecting a location and preparing for installation

  1. It is recommended to place the greenhouse not at the entrance to thegarden plot, but on the contrary, as far as possible from it. At the same time, keep a distance of 10 meters from any buildings and 3 meters from trees and shrubs - the place for the greenhouse should be well lit.
  2. With the size of the greenhouse you need to decide in advance. Do not choose too large a greenhouse at the expense of leaving space for other plants. As a rule, even small greenhouses are able to accommodate many colors with the proper organization of space.
  3. Before installing the greenhouse you need to remove the fertilelayer of soil on the spade bayonet and remove the roots of the plant. This soil should be stored for a year. Sheets of slate need to be "drowned" into the earth by 30 centimeters to protect the plants from weeds.

Building a Greenhouse

  1. The building of the greenhouse begins with a frame, which should be started from the ends. The order of installation is not important.
  2. Spacers and end arch are fixed to the door frame using bolts. Then the end stands are joined.
  3. Intermediate arcs are fixed with bolts at the end. The other end
    is collected similarly.
  4. Next, you need to fix the remaining arcs with spacers. Tighten all bolts.
  5. The foundation is made of wooden beams, which deepen into the ground. The frame of the greenhouse is fixed to the uneven bars using self-tapping screws. A metal or brick foundation can also come up.
  6. It remains only to use polycarbonate sheets, which need to be installed in the frame of the greenhouse and fixed with screws.

It is important to note that before installing the polycarbonate, you need to make sure that it is fit in size to the frame.

If your goal is to build a hothouse for the winter, thenyou should choose a different material for the walls. A special glass is suitable for this type of greenhouse. In addition, its framework is fundamentally different from the type of greenhouse that was described above.

Remember that the correct installation of the greenhouse is a guarantee of its durability and high-quality flowering of plants.

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