Arranging the foundation for your own home,it is necessary to take care of the reinforcing frame, which is made of metal reinforcement. Usually the reinforcement is constructed in the form of a grid, the elements of which are welded together. Many developers mistakenly think that this method of fastening is the most reliable. Experts, however, assure that it is best to connect the armature with a binding wire.

How to knit reinforcement for a foundation

There are several ways of tying, there iscomplex, simple. For this, various tools are used, from assistants to professional ones. Here's the easiest way to knit the armature under the foundation.

  1. Cut a piece of knitting wire 30 cm long.
  2. Fold it twice.
  3. With this piece folded in half, wrap two fittings, installed crosswise, diagonally.
  4. Pick up a special hook used for knitting.
  5. Slide its end into the wire loop.
  6. Loose ends through the loop.
  7. Twist the hook clockwise until the two reinforcements are fully compressed. It is important not to overtighten, the wire can burst.

Attention! If a smooth reinforcement is used for the foundation, then it is best to use a knitting pistol or other specialized tool as a knitting tool.

Helpful Tips

Not all developers know exactly how to reinforce the foundation. Here are some recommendations:

  1. The lining of the foundation is necessarily carried out by the lapping of the reinforcement. The minimum displacement size is 25 cm.
  2. Based on the size and type of reinforcement, the bypass size is determined. Especially in places where the pieces of reinforcement are connected.
  3. The brand of cement is necessarily taken into account.
  4. The operating conditions of the foundation are taken into account.
  5. Armocarcas is mounted on supports (for example, on bricks) so that it is placed in the body of the foundation.
  6. Filled concrete must be pierced to release air from it.

On all types of foundations the strapping is madethe same. Therefore, technology, like knit reinforcement of the ribbon foundation or plate, are identical. But the technology, how to build a foundation of different designs, are very different from each other. This must be taken into account.

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