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How to make a brazier?

Acquiring a summer residence or planning a site on whichthere will be a private house, we always subconsciously think about that program of rest, which certainly includes shish kebabs and other delicacies, cooked on an open fire. Accordingly, various options are considered, how to make a brazier: stationary or portable, made of bricks or metal - so that it is convenient for future users.


  1. Before you make a brazier out of stone (usuallybrick is used, but you can use a natural stone), you need to take care of the foundation. For him, a shallow pit is digging (a quarter of a meter will be enough), in which a standard formwork is installed, which is subsequently poured with concrete.
  2. After 3 days, which are needed for dryingfoundation, the actual construction of the barbecue begins. The walls are laid out to a height of 80 cm. Outside, you can use ordinary brick, but inside it must be fireproof. The total height of the barbecue is up to a meter (this is convenient for almost all people).
  3. Further actions differ little fromthe construction of a home fireplace. Lay out its walls, openings (there should be at least two of them), an exhaust pipe is installed. The main part can be made from any stone, but the hearth from the inside is made entirely of refractory brick, otherwise your brazier will be destroyed by fire, and its fire safety will become very doubtful.
  4. For a good influx of air, the hearth furnace must be equipped with a blower. Detailed instructions on how to make a barbecue of brick or stone can be found in the article How to build a brazier.

Brazier from a gas bottle

It is not necessary to use it for constructionbrick. Often, it is easier to do with improvised materials. At the same time you get at your disposal a brazier, which is easy to move around your site, and in the presence of an automobile trailer - and transport to the site of the proposed picnic. Expenses, consider, zero: to create such a brazier just something you need:

  • cylinder (gas, used, old, any volume);
  • drill for work;
  • for the same purposes - Bulgarian;
  • welding machine.

The advantages of the "balloon" brazier are undeniable. The bottom of it will not burn, the case itself does not deform, the closed lid guarantees independent damping of the fire. And the process of making very few people makes it difficult, because making a brazier from a can is quite easy.

  1. To begin with, the balloon must be cut - carefully, taking into account that gas can remain inside.
  2. The cut tank is filled with water for at least a couple of days to secure subsequent work.
  3. The crane is dismantled, the middle is cut out, but it is not thrown away, but put on the hinges - this will be the lid, which will subsequently be extinguished by the fire.
  4. It would be nice to equip the grill with handles, with which it will be possible to carry it from place to place.

Additional advice: to make the design last longer, it's worth reinforcing the frame. This goal is well served by a narrow corner welded along the cutting line inside.

Demountable BBQ with their own hands

Even if you are a car enthusiast, do not necessarily dragwith you on a picnic one-man brazier in the trunk of the car. For trips to nature there is a folding brazier. You can buy it in the store, but you can also build it yourself. Moreover, inside the folding barbecue will be placed and grill for grilling, and skewers.

  1. We choose the dimensions of the brazier. If camping skewers 60 cm long, then
    width - 40 cm, length - 65 cm.
  2. We make the bottom of stainless steel 3 mm thick.
  3. Lateral walls bend, drilled into themThe holes for good air access to the coals. Dimensions of side parts: 65 cm by 20 cm. We make them foldable. For this, between the base and the walls we fix two furniture canopies of small dimensions. We attach them with screws.
  4. The end walls of the barbecue will be removable. They are attached to the bottom by means of clamps.
  5. At the corners from the underside of the bottoms we weld the nuts, the legs of the brazier will be screwed to them.
  6. On the legs on one side the thread is cut, on the other hand they are sharpened to facilitate fixing the structure.

This is how a folding campfire is made. For convenience of carrying, it is possible to provide it with a handle and a hook for closing.

Where is the right place to put the brazier

Before you make a brazier, it is worthplan its location. To begin with, it should be quite far from the table or resting places - chaise lounges, benches, etc. Especially it concerns inflatable pools: the slightest spark will burn your

"Pond", and you will remain without water procedures. But too far from the feast of the barbecue should not be, so it was easy to bring shish kebabs and that they did not have time to cool down. The most rational solution is to place the barbecue near the fence or the deaf wall of the house; but if both are too far from the dining table, then you can equip the site in the right place. It should not be obscured by overhanging branches of trees; The surface on which the brazier will be installed should be flat (and preferably - asphalt or tiled); There should not be a garage or a wood storage nearby.

Properly installed brazier is absolutely safe in the fire and for a long time will please you with the opportunity of cooking shish kebabs.

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