Summer - the most long-awaited time of the year, because in thisYou can relax and relax. But often unpleasant insects spoil the rest - flies, gadflies, flies and mosquitoes. Especially bother mosquitoes, because in addition to sick bites, they can cause a dangerous disease. In our time, there are many ways to get rid of mosquitoes ...

  1. The best and safest option for home and apartment is to install a grid on the windows. It is environmentally friendly, safe for health, perfectly protects against mosquitoes and guarantees fresh air in the room.
  2. Fumigants and repellents. These are well-known to all chemical insect control agents. Fumigants are evaporating or smoking substances in the form of various aerosols and liquids. They kill mosquitoes. Examples of fumigants are a smoking spiral or an electrofumigator with replaceable plates. They can easily be found in the store. Fumigants cost inexpensively and are well rescued from mosquitoes indoors. Repellents are found in the form of aerosols, ointments and lotions, which are applied to the skin of a person. The latter are designed to scare away mosquitoes. It is better to choose lotions and ointments, since they are safer. A person smeared with a good repellent, becomes a "tasteless meal" for mosquitoes, and they fly by. However, when using them, do not forget that this is a chemical. Hence, they can not be used more than once every 3 hours, applied to the damaged skin, to the area around the eyes, nostrils and mouth. When you come home and nowhere else are going to, the remedy should be washed off with soap.
  3. Mosquitoes are found where there is a moist environment. Therefore, sometimes the high-quality drying of the cellar helps to save themselves from them, because in this place it often happens wet.
  4. A modern way to combat mosquitoes -ultrasonic. It consists in the fact that a person on a special instrument includes an ultrasound of a certain frequency that is inaudible to human ears. While the device is working, ultrasound catches mosquitoes, and this causes them a terrible panic. Naturally, they will not come close to the source of sound.
  5. How to get rid of mosquitoes in the forest? The mosquito can be disoriented. They are very distracted by the bright light. Therefore, the included lamp, flashlight, any other luminous device will confuse mosquitoes. And on the evening picnic bright fire helps. The more smoke from the fire and the brighter the flame, the less mosquitoes fly near. Strengthen the effect will help dry juniper needles, thrown into the fire or heated over the flame of camphor.
  6. Without resorting to hazardous chemicals, you canto get rid of mosquitoes with harmless smells and plants. Mosquitoes do not tolerate the smells of cinnamon, anise, cloves, eucalyptus, mint, valerian, lavender, geranium, thyme, wormwood, tea tree. Surround yourself with these smells or apply one or more essential oils of these plants to the exposed areas of the skin (read carefully instructions and contraindications before use). Also mosquitoes do not like the smell of tomato tops. Therefore, several pots with bush tomatoes on the windowsills and balcony will relieve your house of bothersome insects. Mosquitoes do not favor the smells of fresh leaves of walnut, leaves and flowers of basil and cherry, elder branches. Decoction from the root of the wheatgrass will save you at night. They can wash and lie down quietly, without fear of being bitten. Carbolic acid will also help to save your sleep. Apply a small amount of acid to the walls near the bed and to the exposed areas of the skin. Pyrethrum is also a natural remedy that protects against mosquitoes. It can be purchased at a pharmacy.

This is the main means for fighting harmful insects. Now you know how to get rid of mosquitoes in different situations.

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