House ants are small and unpleasantinsects that fell into the territory of Russia from Ethiopia. They are also called "pharaoh ants", they received such a name, as a result of the mistake of the Swedish scientist Linnaeus, who believed that the homeland of such ants, Egypt. In Russia, they appeared by the end of the 19th century. Although special attention to these insects, drew in the late 1940s, at that time the territory of the European part of the country, was already "enslaved".

"Pharaoh ants", multiply throughoutall year, for existence they choose different places, kitchens, toilets, bathrooms. Considering the fact that the ants are very small, they easily travel around the house. They fit under the parquet, skirting boards, tiles, etc.

Ants are omnivorous, they eat sweets, meatproducts, cereals and even their relatives. Moreover, insects spoil electrical appliances, fabrics, wooden and leather products. Also, moving from place to place, ants carry all kinds of germs.

How to get rid of ants in an apartment?

It is difficult to fight ants, but it is possible.

The most effective solution is repair (not cosmetic). But this method can not afford all the households, so we move on.

The "heart" of ants is a nest. There are females that produce new offspring of pests. Females never leave nests, they also do not get food for themselves, they are fed by barren ants.

Finding the nest of ants is very difficult. As a rule, the nest is hidden in the wall or in the floor. Even if you found an ant nest, do not immediately remove the parquet or chip the tile. The corridor leading to the nest can be very, very long, in which case you will have to spoil more than one parquet or tile. If ants feed the entire colony, you can try to pass through them poison, the females and their larvae. It should be taken into account that the concentration of poison, or boric acid, should not exceed 2 percent. The ant does not die at once, but will carry all the poison to the heart of the "ant pack".

Some useful recipes, how to get rid of ants in the apartment:

Sunflower oil obviously does not like it"Pharaoh ants," as well as the leaves of elder, mint, wormwood. A couple of times a month you can lubricate "ant tracks" with garlic. Ants can not stand this smell, also the smell of garlic will knock them off the "trace"

Another option, you need to mix 5 gramsborax, and 5 grams of boric acid, 50 ml of water, and about 5 tablespoons of sugar. Further here we add jam or honey, a little less than a teaspoon. After all that has been done, we pour the mixture into small dishes and leave it in several places throughout the apartment. Note that this method is not suitable for those people who have small children, or a dog, a cat.

Follow these recommendations, you needStrictly, without increasing or decreasing the amount of poison in the bait. Our goal, this is not the destruction of the "working" ants, but the destruction of the entire nest, it is very important to take into account. Ants must be delivered to the nest, poisoned food.

To insects do not get into the food,it is recommended to use leaves of mint, wormwood, elderberry or sunflower oil. Also as a deterrent, we recommend using parsley, cloves, tomato tops.

Understanding the "ant colony" allows usfind not only a way to fight against parasites, but also relieves us of unnecessary fears. For example, if you returned home from guests with a piece of cake, you will bring to your home, only sterile worker ants. They are not able to reproduce, and establish a colony. Remember one simple thing, for the resettlement of ants, the females respond. If this were not the case, the Pharaoh ants would have settled around the world, much earlier than they really are. If everything worked out and the ants left your house, we would recommend that you fill up all the cracks, this concerns the joints of the floor, ceiling and walls, ventilation holes, especially pay attention to those places where there is moisture.

We hope that your peace in the house will not disturb"Pharaoh's ants," but in the event that uninvited guests still come, then the question "how to get rid of ants in the apartment?", You will always find the answer.

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