When we start to make repairs and take off the wall wallpaper or old tiles, we often find holes in the walls. Let's see how to fix a hole in the wall.

  • If the gap is narrow and deep (this is often the case at the joints of plates), it is filled with a mounting foam. And then after its complete drying, the crack is finally covered with putty.
  • If there is no possibility to seal the gap with foam, hammerher old newspapers and paste with adhesive plaster, carefully leveling the strip, and from above put a layer of putty. When the putty dries on top, you can stick another layer of adhesive plaster and cover it again with a layer of putty. After drying, the putty should be sanded with sandpaper.
  • Scores on the wall are sealed by speciala rapid-hardening cement compound, specially designed for embedding chips on walls and concrete floors. The composition fits well, which allows it to fill shallow cavities. If the cavity is sufficiently deep, the composition should preferably be applied with a metal spatula in several stages in layers with an interval of 10-15 minutes. After filling, it is necessary to remove excess solution and level the surface with a wet spatula.
  • Small crevices and roughness on the walls can be covered with ordinary putty with a conventional spatula. First it is covered with rough filler, then after cleaning with emery - fine.
  • Small holes in the wall (for example, from a nail) can easily be sealed with a putty. Fill the hole with putty, and after drying, rub it with sandpaper.
  • If the hole is deep and wider, 2/3 of the hole can be clogged with newsprint, fill the rest with filler. After drying, the resulting surface should be treated with sandpaper.
  • A wide opening, for example from an old outlet,it is necessary to pre-fill with alabaster or cement, after having cleaned the hole of dust and crumbling fragments. After the mortar dries, the hole is fined with a fine filler, grabbing a small adjoining section of the wall. After drying, the surface is treated with sandpaper.

As you can see, the problem of how to cover holes in the wall is not so difficult and completely solvable.

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