Living in a private house, a person in winter hasoften clean the snow in the yard. Do it the same way, paving the way to the garage, shed, and just around the yard. In the large blocks of multi-storey houses, the yard is cleaned by snowmen from the snow. But they, and us, ordinary mortals of private houses, need to know how to clean the snow in order to feel good and after that, loved by many, classes.

Movements and Tools

Doctors categorically forbid cleaning the snow instrong frost. The combination of frost and active physical activity can lead to an exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases. If the frost is -10 degrees or less, then you can go and wave with a shovel. First you have to choose it correctly. The shovel spade should be slightly less than the height of the person who will work with it. If the stem is below the shoulders, then with such a shovel it is possible to tear the muscles of the hands. The shovel itself for snow should be wide, more than 50 cm. It should be attached to the cuttings not only with nails, but also with metal plates. After picking up the correct and suitable shovel, proceed to cleaning. Always start cleaning the snow from the edge of the area you want to clean. The most important condition when cleaning - you must always bend your knees. With straight legs, lifting weights, there is a big risk of ripping your back and earning sciatica. Even if you lift weights without a shovel, always try to slightly bend your back and necessarily bend your knees! These tips, how to properly clean the snow, will allow you to clear the entire path in the yard without any physical losses.

Snow machine cleaning

Clear the car of snow is not at alllighter than the yard. Professionals advise, if you are sure that there will be no thaw at night, cover the car tightly with a cloth. Then in the morning you can easily pull the fabric off with snow. The machine will be clean, you will only need to clean the fabric of the snow, so that you can easily fold it and put it in the trunk. In case of heavy snowfall it is necessary to lift the wipers to prevent them from being crushed by snow. It is also desirable to clean the machine of dirt and sand, because then, when you start the scraper to clean the surface of the snow, you must clean the dirt. But such a mechanical cleaning can scratch the lacquer, paint, plastic. So the best answer to the question of how to clean the car from snow is a scraper and a brush. Use only special scrapers for cars, other improvised items can scratch the car. Of course, you have to start cleaning from the roof, then clean the glass, most carefully handle the front and side mirrors. During cleaning, switch on the machine, let the warm air blow out the windows, they will dry faster and warm up so that you can go with good visibility.

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