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How to clean gold?

Gold can not rust or oxidize, butWhen you wear it, it grows damp from humidity or simply gets dirty. Gold jewelry with a touch of moisture or dirt look dull, cease to shine. It looks ugly. And if ear rings for ear or piercing are contaminated, it can even cause allergy. Therefore, any gold products must be periodically cleaned.

How to clean gold

For gold to glisten again, you can take it to a jewelery workshop, they mechanically remove the plaque and polish it, but it will lose weight in this ornaments. It is better to clean gold at home.

Depending on the pollution, there are several ways to clean gold jewelry. Start with the simplest, if not help, go to more complex.


  1. In hot water, dissolve any detergent. Normal or liquid soap, shampoo for hair and even a washing powder will approach. In this solution, lower the jewelry. Let them lie in it for a couple of hours. Then, brush the gold with a toothbrush. Ordinary flat rings can not be soaked in solution, but simply clean them with the same solution. But if jewelry with stones and buckles, then deep dirt under the stones or the cavity from the fasteners can remain dirty if you do not soak the items. After cleaning, rinse the gold under running water and dry. This can be done by spreading them on a small towel that absorbs water well.
  2. If using a soap solution your decorationsnot cleaned, will have to clean gold with ammonia. To do this, pour a 25-percent solution of ammonia into the small dishes and lower the decorations there for one or two hours. It's okay if they stay there longer. If the products are heavily soiled, you can keep them in solution and overnight. After that, brush gold with a toothbrush, rinse with running water and dry as well as after soapy water. Do not forget to put rubber gloves on your hands during this cleaning. In the same way with the help of ammonia, you can clean silver.
  3. If this method did not help, you will getspecial paste for cleaning gold. Pasta is sold in jewelry stores. It contains petroleum jelly and oils, so that the products are not scratched, as well as chalk or lead carbonate for mechanical cleaning. You will need a soft brush. On it, apply a small amount of paste and very gently wipe the surface of the product, it is important to move in the same direction. After such a procedure for shine for 5-10 minutes, lower the product into vodka or alcohol. Vodka or alcohol will also remove the coating from the oil. Then rinse the jewelry under the water and dry it on the towel.

It should be added that you can prepare such a paste for gold cleaning yourself. Here are a few ways:

  • Mix the beer and yolk of one egg. The consistency of the mixture should resemble a liquid kissel;
  • Freshly squeezed onion juice;
  • Any toothpaste, except for bleaching (best clean gold gel toothpaste);
  • A mixture of tooth powder and vegetable oil;
  • For polishing gold products, it is fashionable to uselipstick. On a cotton swab, apply a little lipstick and thoroughly wipe the products, then rinse with vodka and rinse with water. Do not forget to dry it.

If you are preparing a mixture, but cook it in small quantities for a single use. Do not store it. For cleaning, always use only a soft cloth, very suitable flannel.

Products of white gold are very popular today. It, too, needs care.

How to clean white gold

White gold is erased faster than yellow, so you need to be especially careful with it. The best way to clean it:

  • Make a soapy solution with any washingmeans, even a dishwashing liquid is suitable and boil the gold in it for five minutes. Drain the water, allow products to cool and rinse under cold water. Then wipe with a soft cloth, you need to wipe it dry, otherwise there will be stains on the gold and they can be removed only by repeated boiling.

As white gold can be cleaned and all the previous ways.

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