Many are interested in how to make a windmill yourself? Modern innovative technology has long been replaced by windmills, however, even today, there is a need for such devices. Today, as a rule, windmills can be seen in the decorative version, which are installed on the garden or dacha, near farms or other agricultural lands and combines. A windmill is a beautiful decorative element and a pretty practical building where you can store, for example, toys, garden or building implements. So, how to make a mill yourself?

Step-by-step instruction for the construction of a windmill

  • To achieve this goal, it is necessary towork on deepening the foundation. The foundation is deepened approximately 70 centimeters, after which a brick base is laid in the place of the groove. Further, the plinth is covered with wooden blocks with a section of 50x100 millimeters.
  • After this, it is necessary to make a steel frame(80х120х270 cm), which is better to weld from a corner 50х50 mm. The frame is covered with a wooden beam section of 40x40 mm. The visual effect is greatly improved if the beams are fixed on the beams. The lining is secured with self-tapping screws.
  • The next step in the manufacture of a windmillis the installation on the base of the steel frame. To protect the wood from adverse weather events (moisture, rain, sun, etc.) use a special impregnation. Impregnation is applied in several layers (primer, lacquer and base color). For insulation of the structure, the mill is covered from the inside with foam and plywood.
  • From wooden beams over the frameRoof supporting structure is installed. On the rafters lay a continuous crate. In this case, you can use the remaining lining. The lining is covered with a roofing material in two layers, after which the roofing material is settled.
  • After establishing the basic design of the windmill, a screw is started. For this it is necessary to take a three-quarter axis and two powerful rolling bearings.
  • Next, we collect the blades of the mill. Blades can be made from wooden slats with a section of 20x40 mm or from wooden beams - 50x50 mm. The blades of the mill are fastened with self-tapping screws. The windmill is ready.

The use of water mills in the decoration of household plots

Pretty popular are water mills in the country ora household plot - a dream of many romantics, but how to make a mill? In the mills there is something mysterious, amazing and fascinating. Therefore, many people think about how to make a water mill with their own hands to give their site a special charm?

For most of us, the mills are associated withcoziness and warm bread, grandmother's tales. Decorative water mills - a bold solution for decorating the suburban areas. Such a mill can be made independently.

To make a water mill, we needbay from wire, straw, cane, ordinary nanos, parts of blinds, water hose and adapters, fittings, sealant and a transition mechanism from an old unnecessary Bulgarian.

In the metal box, fix the pump. Wheel for the mill is made from a bay for wire. The specified wheel turns the screw with the aid of a transitional mechanism from the grinder. The side walls in the water mill are made of reeds, the roof of the structure is covered with straw. Parts of the blinds are used to decorate the ceiling and screw the mill. Decorative water mill is ready.

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