The presence of a fence is a common feature and forrustling dacha, and for an elite mansion. No land plot can do without such a designation of boundaries. Very often, owners sort through dozens of options, from which to make a fence and can not decide on a choice. We will try to help.

Wooden fence

It's easy to put it. You can make "deaf" by tightly fitting the plates; place fence with gaps, fan or invent original composition. The material is eco-friendly, affordable, easy to process. A protective coating is required. The lifetime of the fence depends directly on it.


It is used to protect fruiting sites. Does not cast a shadow, does not delay the circulation of air and sunlight. Minus: is prone to corrosion and has an unattractive appearance.

Forged fences

On the contrary, they have a beautiful aesthetic appearance and durability. But they are expensive and do not protect against roadside dust and dirt.

Profiled sheeting

This is a shaped metal sheet with a polymer coating. Will cover the territory and from dirt, and from unnecessarily curious looks; long-lived. True, not very attractive.

Reinforced concrete fences

They have become widespread due to the great variety and relative availability. It is desirable to apply a protective coating. Most have one face.

Brick fence

Such a fence looks thoroughly and serves a long time. It is well combined with two or more floors. The cost of construction is quite noticeable even for wealthy people.

Stone fence

The most expensive, but also the most durable, of all here listed. It is characterized by ecological safety and impeccable appearance.


And the last thing you can make a fence from - a hedge. Has only one negative - a long time to grow.

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