Looking around the dwelling afterHe expensive repairs, its owner begins to doubt the correctness of his actions. It can be understood, because the apartment after repairs is often a sad sight. Wallpaper and decorative plaster on the walls, as well as stretch ceilings are covered with dust, glue remains on the tile, and new floor coverings are stained with stains of cement and paint. The picture is supplemented by piles of not removed construction debris.

From the pollution left by the builders,get rid of is not easy. If you act independently, you can cause noticeable defects in the finishing materials. The owner of the apartment We can advise you to seek help from the cleaning company Korolev-Cleaning, whose employees will soon bring it to full order. After all, for them cleaning the apartment after repairs - not problemma! This will help them a lot of experience of such works, high qualifications and necessary household chemicals.

First of all, housing will be removed and taken outto dump garbage. Then, with the help of a powerful vacuum cleaner, the employees of the Korolev-Klining company will clear all the surfaces of the apartment, from floor to ceiling, from dust! The next stage of cleaning after repair is associated with the removal of various stains. For this purpose, special solvents are used that soften the contamination without causing damage to the coating itself. The stain, thus treated, remains, only wipe with a napkin.

After the completion of this stage of cleaning workemployees of the Royal Cleaning will qualitatively clean all glass surfaces and windows, window sills, slopes, frames, doors and floors, clean the tile in the bathroom and clean the plumbing from dust and dirt, including all the pollution behind the sanitary screens. Already clean floors, depending on the type of flooring, will be treated with special pastes that will protect them from the negative impact of the environment and extend their service life.

It should be noted that all household chemicals used by professional cleaners are certified and do not affect people's health.

At the end of the post-repair cleaning from the apartmentthe last garbage will be deleted. Now its owner, having visited his renovated and washed to a mirror shine house, will be able to appreciate the high quality of the repairs and services of professional cleaners. Save the house in such an ideal condition for a long time will help him contract, concluded with the company "Korolev-Cleaning".

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