Flooding the neighbors from above is a real headache for many people. Often the neighbors themselves are not to blame, but this does not detract from the question of what to do in such a situation.

In this article, we will consider what to do if the neighbors are flooded, where to go and how to solve this issue in a civilized manner.

How to stop flooding

The first question that arises in every person who got into such a situation is what to do when neighbors fill the apartment.

  1. First of all, we must try to neutralizeleakage. Of course, at first you must completely cut off the water supply with the help of valves in your apartment. If this did not work, you should urgently turn to the manager to cut off the water supply in the whole entrance.
  2. After that you must make a call to the emergency service and wait for her arrival. It is advisable to photograph the place of leakage and try to contact the neighbors who flooded you.

Fixing the damage caused

When fixing the damage caused to you in the firstturn should remember that you should not clean the room and clean up. If the damage was serious enough, then you need to first take a picture of the entire room, as well as those places that received the most damage, you can also make video footage.

A document that confirms the fact of floodingyour apartment, is the act of flooding. This document is drawn up in two copies, drawn up by a commission, which includes eyewitnesses and representatives of the management company. One copy should remain with you, and the second is given to the management company.

What should be reflected in the act of flooding

After you took the first steps to eliminate the leak, waited for the emergency service and began to compile the flood certificate, you need to walk through all the points and fill them.

  1. First of all, pay attention to the point, inwhich you must reflect the cause of flooding. The cause may be damaged pipes, negligence of neighbors, and also the negligence of the management company. Very often in this case it is necessary to contact an independent expert.
  2. Next, you must list the list of damage caused by flooding. Here it is necessary to include all the points connected with the property damage due to flooding.
  3. An important point in drawing up this act is the fact of the presence of your neighbors. If they refuse to attend the drawing up of the act, this must be fixed in the appropriate paragraph.
  4. You must make an estimate in the amount ofcaused damage. This estimate should be made together with an independent expert who is engaged in valuation of property. After drawing up the estimate, you have to go through all the members of the commission to get a signature. Also, do not forget to sign yourself, otherwise the act will be declared invalid.

Applying to the court to recover damages

As a rule, with serious damage,a situation without trial is not possible. When applying to the court to recover damages from your neighbors, you will need the following documents, namely: a copy of the certificate of flooding, a defective act, in which you must indicate the cost of the damaged property, as well as repair costs, a repair estimate and documents that confirm your ownership of the apartment.

Note that even if the fact that your neighborsfrom above flooded you, thereby causing damage to property will be established, this does not mean that they will be obliged to pay you the required amount immediately after the adoption of the court decision. Usually, the court gives time to pay the entire amount (from 3 months).

For more information, see the article What to do if you are flooded by neighbors.

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