Needless to say, how dangerousmold. As soon as she appears in the house or in the apartment, the question immediately arises - how to get rid of it. If this is not done, the mycotoxins released by the mold will get into the air, and then into the lungs of the person and cause headaches, breathing problems, runny nose, allergies, etc. Therefore, at the first signs of fungus in the corners, walls and ceiling of the house or apartment it is required to take urgent measures to eliminate it.

Types of fungus

To understand how to deal with mold,to study the "enemy" thoroughly. Moldy fungus - the most common type of mold - can take different forms. Most often we have to face its five kinds.

  1. Mold is green. It occurs mainly on food. Dangerous that having on the surface of a small area of ​​damage, penetrates deep inside. Therefore, it is better not to risk, removing mold from the surface, and completely get rid of the contaminated product. Also, green mold can occur on some building materials, for example, brick.
  2. The mold is white. Appears in flower pots with excessive watering of plants. May cause an allergy.
  3. The mold is black. The most dangerous species in terms of the degree of caused diseases, among them bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, and even cancer. It can be found on different surfaces. Paint, plaster, stone or concrete - the fungus easily affects any of them.
  4. Mold bluish color. It affects wooden surfaces. Destroys paintwork, making wood vulnerable to moisture.
  5. For the tree is also dangerous mold putrefactive, which is white, brown and bacterial. Its effect negatively affects the strength of the material and its performance characteristics.

Methods of fighting mold (fungus)

Chemicals against mold

If the mold has chosen the walls of your house, thenit can be liquefied with the help of chemicals. They can be found in building stores. It is necessary to choose a preparation against a specific type of mold and treat the surface according to the attached instructions.

However, the ideal method of combating fungi isits complete elimination. This can be achieved during the next repair in the apartment. Perform the following actions at the site of mold localization:

  1. Clean the surface of walls or ceiling from wallpaper, putty and plaster until concrete or brick appears.
  2. Having eliminated even the deepest layers affected by a fungus, carefully dry the cleared place.
  3. Using a roller or brush, apply a layer of antiseptic primer on a dry surface, allow to dry.
  4. After two to three hours, clean again, wash and dry the surface to be treated.
  5. Reapply the antiseptic primer.
  6. As the composition dries, it is possible to use finishing materials.

Folk methods against mold

To eliminate mold at home, it is often used:

  • solution of copper sulfate;
  • bleach or other chlorine-containing drugs;
  • table vinegar;
  • soda;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • ammonia;

Many of these substances should be used with extreme caution, because of their toxicity. On this topic, articles will be useful:

  • Mold in the bathroom: how to get rid
  • How to get rid of the smell of carpet

Preventive measures against fungus

Eliminating mold is difficult, it is much easier to prevent its occurrence. As a preventive measure against the appearance of fungus in the room, effectiveness was proved:

  • Regular airing of housing. At the same time, you need not just open the window, but create airflows, opening the windows and doors wide.
  • Observation of humidity in the room. It is important to eliminate the cause of high humidity, whether it is rotten pipes or a faulty faucet in the kitchen. If necessary, places with accumulation of excess moisture should be wiped dry with a soft cloth.
  • Preservation of a stable air temperature. As soon as the room begins to cool down (due to irregular heating or improperly adjusted air conditioning), the growth of mold fungi takes place.
  • Use of special preparations against mold, such as "Antipresne", "Antifungus", "Neomid 500", "Sagus", "League Bioshit", etc.

Help in preventing the appearance of mold will provide information from the article How to get rid of condensation.

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