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How to build a dugout?

In the conditions of universal modern comfortThe dugout, of course, is more of an exotic thing than a necessary place to live. Only the fans of downshifting or ecological way of life, extreme travelers, fishermen and hunters, who spend all their free time in the taiga, owners of land located very far from the city, can build it for their own needs.

How to build a dugout with your own hands, read in our article. Maybe someday it will come in handy!


In order to build a dugout in the forest or on theyou need to have materials for construction. Typically, this room is made of what is at hand. But in any case for the construction of the ceiling you will need:

  • Driller (trunks of trees with a diameter of up to 10 cm) - twelve pieces, at least;
  • poles (long thin sticks longer than five meters) - pieces one hundred;
  • lapnik (pine or spruce branches with needles) - five cubes;
  • wire for connection;
  • two sheets of roofing iron or slate for the roof.

A door and a window are also welcome (you can somewhereget used ones). But they can be replaced with improvised materials, if not available. For heating - a stove oven of any configuration with a pipe.

Location rules

Consider the prevailing winds. The prevailing wind must blow from the side, into the wall, and not into the door. The best place to put is a hillside or an elevated area (so there is less risk of flooding during a downpour). Prefill the construction drawing, the dimensions are laid taking into account the inner covering of the dwelling.


We remove the turf on the marked area (ituseful for camouflage and warming) and digging the foundation pit with bayonet and shovel. Earth is discarded at least half a meter from the planned foundation, so as not to interfere with the erection

How to build a dugout?
roofs. The depth of the excavation is up to two meters. We dig in the supporting pillars, we impose the rafters (we use the drill) and the poles, we connect them with wire. The main criterion is strength. We put the pole back. We cut a hole for the chimney in the side of the future roof. We cover with roofing iron (if not - we use improvised materials), we mask with lapnik. We cover the room inside with boards. Further decorating is arbitrary (on the page, see: how to build a dugout - video).


In winter, to use such a home,heating is required. To build a dugout with a stove, we construct a chimney from a simple tin pipe. We use any stove (they are now in abundance can be found in stores), inexpensive and reliable - without electric ignition, for example.

And how to build a house with your own hands, read in the article How to build a house.

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