Modern irons have coatings that requirea special gentle care, unlike the first irons, which were enough to rub and rub the sole with salt. But modern housewives know that this method is better left behind.

How to clean the soleplate of an iron

If the sole of your iron with Teflon,ceramic or a cover from stainless steel became yellow or it was formed a deposit, it is not necessary to worry too much. The iron can still be saved, for this use the tips given below.

  • The safest, easiest and most effective way -this is to clean the sole with a special pencil for cleaning irons. To do this, you need to heat the iron and pass through the places that need cleaning - the melted pencil will do its job perfectly. But there are several nuances. It can not be used if the surface has large holes, hitting them, the pencil can cause mechanical damage to the device. The pencil is excellent for ceramic surfaces that are sensitive to mechanical stress.
  • Another very effective way to clean the iron from burning and plaque is to wipe the sole with a flannel cloth impregnated with 3% hydrogen peroxide.
  • Excellent cope with burns lemon juice,ammonia and vinegar. To do this, take a soft cloth, cotton pad or a cotton swab soaked with the remedy that you have at home and rub the soleplate of the iron. You can also apply citric acid from the spray gun, and then wipe the sole with a soft cloth. If the pollution is strong, you can mix vinegar and ammonia. Using all these tools, you need to be careful. Make sure that your eyes are protected from getting into them cleaning agents.

Never scrape off the plaque from the soleplate of the ironknife or sandpaper. This will spoil the surface and lead to even more pollution, after which the use of iron will become impossible. If the rust and the carbon deposit are difficult to remove, try using a dish cleaning powder called Glitter. Keep in mind that using mechanical cleaning, you can scratch the surface of the iron, especially with regard to ceramic coatings.

How to clean the inner surface of a water container

It is necessary to clean the iron not only from the outside, but alsofrom the inside. Lime scale and rust appear in the container inside the iron, where the liquid is poured. Also, the holes penetrate through which steam escapes. All this has a detrimental effect on the work of the iron, so you need to clean the iron from the contaminations in a timely manner. To clean the iron at home, use the tips given below.

  • So, first of all use only clean filtered water.
  • If the scale is already formed, then veryAn effective way to clean the iron from the inside is Antinakipine, which copes with the mineral deposits inside the iron. The same tool can clean the kettles from scale. To do this, dilute the product in water, pour into the water tank and turn on the iron, selecting the mode that steam supplies. After the iron heats up, leave it in the upright position for 15-20 minutes, and then iron the unnecessary fabric, as yellow traces may remain in the ironing process. You need to iron it for as long as all the water evaporates. If the plaque does not disappear, repeat the procedure until the water tank becomes clean.
  • Instead of Antinakipin, you can use citric acid. Pour the diluted citric acid into the iron reservoir for water, heat the iron and steam the waste fabric.
  • After cleaning the iron, do not forget to rinse the water tank from Antinakipin or citric acid with clean running water.

We also prepared an article that might be of interest to you. How to clean the iron.

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