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How to connect a resistor?

A resistor is an element of an electrical circuit,the main property of which is a certain active resistance. There are many varieties of resistors - permanent, variable, varistors, thermistors, etc., as well as the mass of possible switching circuits.

In this article, we'll look at the basic circuitry and see how to connect a resistor.

Serial connection

The serial connection is one of the main circuits for turning on the resistor. Let's say we need to pair the two resistors into a serial connection. In this case:

  • the first contact of the first resistor is soldered to the positive of the power source;
  • the second contact of the first resistor is soldered to the first contact of the second resistor;
  • the second contact of the second resistor is soldered to the negative of the power source.

If you need to connect more resistors,proceed similarly (see the figure). Remember, with a serial connection, the total resistance of the circuit will be equal to the sum of the resistors included in the resistors.

Parallel connection

Parallel connection is also one of the main circuits for switching on resistors. For parallel connection of two resistors:


  • the first contacts of both resistors are soldered together and connected to the positive of the power supply;
  • The second contacts of both resistors are soldered together and connected to a minus power supply.

If it is necessary to connect more resistors, proceed in the same way (see the figure). The total resistance for a parallel connection is given by the formula: R1 * R2 * ... * Rn / R1 + R2 + ... + Rn.

Variable resistor

A variable resistor can be connected to the circuit assequentially, and in parallel. Its main feature is the fact that on its very body there is a special regulator, which can usually be rotated with a small screwdriver. By controlling the regulator, you can increase or decrease the resistance.

If you need a resistor to charge a capacitor, read the article, how to do it - How to charge the capacitor.

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