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How to assemble the doors of the wardrobe?

Modern wardrobes are very popular and there arealmost in every home. Such furniture is convenient in use and in harmony with any design of the room. You can assemble the doors of the wardrobe with your own hands, without spending much time and energy.

Stages of work

These stages will help to successfully cope with the work and will be pleased with a good result:

  1. Cut out details from the profile according to the specified dimensions. Do it better with a saw blade or a metal hacksaw. Vertical profiles should be strictly the same size, the same and horizontal.
  2. We drill with the help of a drill the outer and through holes on the vertical profile, where the handle will be located. The holes will be at the top and bottom in the given places.
  3. The back sides of the vertical profile are covered with a self-adhesive film for the installation of mirrors.
  4. We set the horizontal parts of the structure, and then proceed to the vertical profiles.
  5. We fix the structure with screws, fix the rollers for opening and closing the doors.

At the end, it remains only to check whether everything is done correctly, and use a storage cupboard.

Also recommended for reading the article:

  • How to assemble a cabinet
  • How to make sliding doors
  • How to make a built-in wardrobe
  • How to assemble furniture
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