In this article we will tell you how to decorate a balconywith their own hands using various materials. You will learn how to sew a balcony inside and how to decorate the balcony outside. For this, it is not necessary to have a huge experience in construction and finishing works, however, the initial skills, for example, handling tools are desirable. But these skills, I think, are for every self-respecting man.

How to sew a balcony with a siding

Siding is used most often for platingcarrying framework. It does an excellent job at once with several functions. First, siding is a non-combustible material, with which excellent heat and sound insulation is carried out. Secondly, siding is surprisingly durable and allows you to protect the premises from the outside and from inside for many years.

Of all types of siding, the best is, perhaps,vinyl. This material allows you to cover almost any wall and, besides, it is non-toxic and provides the widest choice of color solutions. What's important: the paneling of the balcony with vinyl siding can be carried out at any time of the year and without complicated additional training, although some preparation may still be needed. Installation of vinyl siding is carried out quickly, and the walls of the balcony will look very even and have a very attractive appearance, they will look beautiful and aesthetic. Now directly about the installation.

If the walls of the balcony are flat enough, you canstart the lining immediately, if not, then you need to make an additional crate. For the battens it is best to use a metal frame, but a wooden profile is also suitable. Remember that the crate is a reliable frame for siding, and thanks to it, a perfectly flat siding is carried out.

After you have mounted the framework, startstrengthen siding. To properly sew the balcony siding, you need to cut the panel with a jigsaw or metal scissors. If you are working in winter, use tools with small teeth in order to avoid cracks. Lay out the siding as follows - fasten the upper edge with self-tapping screws, and lay the bottom edge in the starting strip. Then fasten the panels together. Between the joints of the panel and the accessories you need to leave small gaps - about 5 mm. This is done so that in case of heating or cooling the siding does not lose its shape. Self-tapping screws should be used with wide hats - galvanized or aluminum.

How to sew a balcony with a lining

When the balcony is cladded, the upper partThe balcony is usually glazed. However, the work on glazing, we will not describe here, since it is best to entrust this to specialists. We proceed directly to the process of skinning. Before beginning the paneling of the balcony with a lining, just as in the case of siding, it is best to carry out an additional crate with a wooden or metal profile. Do not forget to leave a small gap between the crate and the walls of the balcony. This will provide the necessary ventilation and keep the tree from mold and deformation.

The very technology of sheathing the balcony with a lining is veryis simple. You need to connect the wooden boards with the help of the grooves for laying the panels together. This technology is extremely convenient and useful, because this way of fastening allows to avoid even small slots in the panels of the lining. After installation, do not forget to treat the material with antiseptic so that pests do not start up in the material. In addition, such processing has one more useful function - after it you can carry out additional "finishing" works, for example, staining. Between the crate and the lining you can put a thermal insulation - then you will have another small but very cozy room in your house.

How to decorate a balcony with plastic

Note that the plating of the balcony with plastic isthe most simple and economical option of finishing. First, measure the walls of the balcony and purchase the material with a margin of approximately 10%. You can buy ready-made plates and slats, and you can pick up the order and individually. An important detail: before fixing the plastic directly, think about thermal insulation and sound insulation, because our houses are usually located in very busy places. Lay the insulation panels between the wall and the plastic, and this process is also not very difficult. After fixing the soundproofing and insulation (usually done with a construction stapler), cut the material and mount it. It is quite easy to mount plastic panels - this can be done directly on walls, on insulating material or on a lath (if you did it, which is recommended) with screws, studs, staples, glue or so-called "liquid nails".

How to sew a balcony outside

It is easy to understand how to trim the balcony with the insideside, but the cladding of the balcony from the outside often presents considerable difficulties. Many do not even know how to proceed. If your apartment is on the upper floors, it is best to entrust the installation works to specialists, since additional safety equipment and appropriate qualifications will be required. Remember that not all materials are suitable for the outside of the balcony. For example, a tree can quickly lose its appearance in our climate due to constant precipitation, so siding is best suited. We have already talked about the ways of covering the balcony with various materials, but if you have any questions, watch the video how to decorate the balcony - now there are quite a lot of video lessons on different topics on the Internet.

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