Many pets give birth to petsland tortoises. And this is not surprising, since they do not make noise, they perfectly tolerate travel, do not need long walks, do not cause allergic reactions, but are very funny. Behind their behavior is interesting to observe both children and adults.

But for such a pet to live with you as long as possible, it is important to provide him with proper care.

Home for a turtle

First of all, take care of the house forland tortoise. For this, the terrarium is perfect. It must be large in size so that the turtle can move freely over it. At the bottom you need to lay a layer of sawdust and sprinkle with smooth pebbles and hay. Also in the terrarium it is necessary to provide a small turtle house so that it can hide in it. It is also important to comply with the temperature regime. For this, in the cold season, you need to install a lamp for heating.

It is important to take into account that the content of the land tortoisewithout a terrarium is impossible, since the owners themselves can step on it at night through carelessness. In addition, if she moves freely around the house, she can eat a food that is dangerous to her or hack in a hole, from which it will be difficult to pull her out.

Nutrition of turtle

To look after the land tortoises is not troublesomebecause they are herbivores and need to be fed only once a day. For this purpose it is necessary to install a feeder in the terrarium. Turtles well eat berries, greens, various fruits and vegetables. At the same time, their favorite delicacy is dandelions. Therefore, if the season of their flowering has come, it should be possible to collect such plants and enter into the diet of your pet. You can also give turtles milk. Pour it in a saucer and leave it in the terrarium. At the same time, they do not drink water, as they receive a sufficient amount of moisture during bathing.

Hygiene of the turtle

At large, tortoises aretheir hygiene. However, in captivity, such a process for them is difficult, which is why it is so important to regularly bathe your pet. You need to do this once a week. Water for bathing should be warm - about +27 degrees. In case the turtle skin is heavily soiled, it can be removed with a toothbrush. But do it carefully, you can not push hard.

Additional tips on the content of such turtles you can find in these articles:

  • How to care for a turtle
  • What to feed the land tortoises
  • What do land tortoises eat?
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