Angina is an acute infectious disease,which affects mainly the palatine tonsils. The causative agent is staphylococcus aureus. The angina is mostly caused by children and young people. Risk factors are general hypothermia, chronic tonsillitis.

How many days suffer from angina?

How many days suffer from angina, depends on the type of angina.

Catarrhal angina is the easiest form of the disease. Symptoms of the disease disappear on average 3-5 days.

Follicular angina, which begins with a fever, a sharp pain in the throat, often giving up in the ear, lasts about 5-6 days.

The lacunar form of angina is symptomatically similar to follicular, but it is more severe. Its duration is 5-7 days.

Fibrinous, phlegmonous and ulcerative-necrotic angina have a more complex course. The duration of the disease can sometimes reach several months.

Symptoms of herpetic angina disappear after 3-5 days.

Also, how many days suffer from angina, depends on the duration of individual periods of the disease: incubation - 1-2 days, the initial - 1-2 days, the height of the period - 5-6 days, recovery.

These are approximate figures of how many days suffer from angina. Each period of the disease can be either shorter or longer, depending on the type of angina, the state of the organism, the treatment being performed.

Symptoms of the disease

Usually in the initial period of the disease there is general weakness, chills, drowsiness, headache, a feeling of heat.

Inflammatory processes develop no earlier than6-12 hours. They are accompanied by a sharp pain in the throat, especially when swallowing, high body temperature, aching joints, headache. Lymph nodes increase. The temperature can reach 39 degrees.

At the height of the disease, all symptoms become as pronounced as possible. Headache most often persists for 4 days. The temperature lasts up to 7 days.

Angina is dangerous for its complications. In the early stages, abscesses are most common, infection spreads into the chest cavity, meningitis, sepsis, infectious-toxic shock.

After a certain time after treatment, glomerulonephritis, acute rheumatic fever, may develop.

Absence of complications and timelinessAdequate treatment also has an effect on how many days suffer from angina. The treatment uses different types of antibiotics, which depends on the type of microbe that caused inflammation.

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